this message may be offensive
I hate when I'm trying to find some smut to read and accidentally come across a fic that describes abuse and has no fucking trigger warnings. And it happens way too often. So for fucks sake, if you ever wanna unleash the most fucked up parts of your mind and describe in detail scenes of r*pe and su***de - USE. FUCKING. WARNINGS. In bolted font, in the beginning of every chapter. (For clarity, I'm not talking about any fic from people who follow me, I just use "you" in a general sense). I just fucking ended up crying, after reading something I really didn't want to read. And I understand the reasons behind wanting to write fiction like that. I have my own fair share of traumas and have tried to cope with writing fiction (not here, but in general). That is okay. But it's not okay to not let people know that they're about to read something graphic, brutal and sickening.