
Okay everybody dropped internet so to update my stories when I had a chance to update them .


Hey everybody out there who are reading this I've been I did something on this one and I can't get back on this account so I made another one called Blue Bell Sans well I've been on this one for a long time I've been trying to get on back to my old books and all of that but it won't let me even though I forgot the email I even though this Wattpad work the email was to this old account was actually nice they said I was trying to delete it this one but actually my parents said ink error when how to delete their own I like I put the wrong email and when I sign up on hair so can anybody help me get back on here I want to go back to making PJ and fresh books I miss it I miss my look fans and all of you


Hey everybody I got internet on my sister phone then also my song then turn off so wow I think this good or bad but now I got to wait till I get me a new another phone well smoke there's going to be snow from now on until I decide to put them out okay actually I updates going to be slow because it's going to take me some days maybe whenever I get internet to put I mean upload my videos .


Hey everybody I'm back on this alphagan in so sorry it took me various a long time actually I had a lot of stuff she didn't talk to my boyfriend and other stuff lately and also I didn't made another look but well I don't think it's pretty Viet to me reader I don't know not yet and also some of the stuff in my new book Virtual Family death of making the book about Russian family and put your favorite characters in some of my loyalty peas and also something else in there too but it's the only work on I'm still working on the book well you need to start working on it probably this already came out with free pages are for I don't remember how much how many books are made so far I got so much ideas I can't I got to go see you all later


Hey everybody, no, no, no, no, no, this web site for a long time, hhhh let your ideas stories, I already made some new stories, oh, my other phone actually no sister phone naturally ok and loyal, how to set it cheap, make something a little bit from home, it's coming out soon or later, but it's gonna out next, not I have a good, I mean, get off my oh, don't phone actually, my sister phone, ok, call me on the charger from my side bcz I got from my Mama actually slow quarter dollars, so I want to the story got me mostly stuff what you need for a house and got her stuff, oh, hello, I'm just gonna release this and come back to and put the rest. I see you all later writers. 


Only body I was rather make a story, but I was too busy texting somebody really quickly, I'm gonna get my good, make a story actually, I they won in my books, I'm gonna update fallacy sooner later. I'm just putting this out here, and I saw texting my friend, actually, my other friend hello, I used to go to school with, but we moves far away from each other, but it's good someone text me, ok, you ain't got to go see you all later readers


Ok, everybody, I can own make a book soon later, it's gonna be slow updates until I get my phone so 100 percent. Ok, I'm gonna make a little story since his own. 24 percent, so I'm gonna make I'm gonna make one update, which one are you which one when I my boss what you want me to upload, just tell me gobble oh, just tell me them alone, sorry about that my phone, my phone was acting up on me, freezing up, so I believe it, but I had a right to it charged up to get my things back on here was up to, wow, so I'm back to me, and I think about, I don't want to my belt, I'm not update..