
To each their own.


My sister just called my mom, asking where she was, and my mom, trying to be sarcastic, replied with "I'm doing drugs, I joined a gang, I'm going back to Bangladesh, and I'm marrying  that creepy hobo. Is that good enough for you?" My mother.


          Maybe I do, maybe I don't. You don't know me. For all you know, I might be watching you from your window and hiding every time you look out. You don't know my life. 


@erialovesbooks  Unless you weren't, but that would be impossible to hide from then ever time I looked out, because I am always looking out through my eyes


@erialovesbooks  That may be true but here's your first mistake. I never look out the window and so you got that whole "hiding ever time you look out" part all wrong. Plus the only windows that I ever look out of are my eyes. I'm sure I would see you through those if you were standing in front of my face.