
I'm a total kids' cartoons addict and a sucker for a good romance novel. I adore reading books that both, let me escape into their world and those that I connect with. At a stage where I have too many story ideas to sit down and actually start writing one.

If I do say so myself, I think I'm a pretty good listener and I love to help. I find that opening up to a complete stranger is much easier than talking to someone you know. Feel free to message me, if you feel like ranting or just having a chat.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.


I sort of knew I was a bit of a drama queen. I always threw tantrums, so I knew I wasn't a normal child.
- Millie Bobby Brown

I don't want to be just one thing. I can't be. I want to be brave, and selfless, honest, intelligent, and kind.
- Four
  • In the corner with a good book
  • JoinedNovember 22, 2020

4 Reading Lists