PS. Overpositivity is usually worse than pessimism in some cases.
Yk y? I know It hurts to be hopeless
But it totally tears you apart when you're given a certain hope of something unprovable treated as a "Truth" when it's all a hoax (at least in some scenarios, personally I've experienced and many others I've known too) overoptimism isn't motivational, it's a gaslight.
Ppl live in a fantasy when they fail to realise the world around and the herd fall into the trap. Don't tell ppl to wait for something that They Deserved Long Back Already. I try to study lives, observe different sorts of ppl i talk of diff religions, nations, personalities.. be it stories or irl or virtual
Just because someone's own life had formed an ideology to them which others don't agree doesn't mean it's a lie but yh it's not true for everyone. So You've to see where something is coming from, you've to know someone totally before u can say what suits them right.
A quote from some movie which literally said how most (not all) people can't think out of box : " you'd call anything as right, if your family told u to just like how they taught human eaters are Monsters and Animal eaters are Not" there's then Joker's " Why should i apologize for being a monster when no one apologized for making me that" and in dark knight " See their morales, their code. A joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be, when the chips are down these civilized ppl will eat each other" RIP Heath Ledger :') one of the most dedicated realistic actors I've ever seen