
SO APPARENTLY my email and wattpad stopped being friends. I don't receive notifications at all, or very rarely a few end up in my junk. Apologies for delays on my end until I get this fixed. 


Hello forgiveness that bother you .i just want you to bring me out of a doubt. I read your fics and I see that ... you do suffer a lot to Suzaku. Not only that but it is also humiliated , deceived and used condemned to be unhappy, but because you make it the character. I just want to get out of that doubt because I see it unfair to so much suffering above all one of Jeremiah and Suzaku without mentioning that always lelouch tells ugly words to Suzaku and I do not think that Suzaku is so stupid or idiot as you see it in your fics.
          (I hope I don't take it the wrong way)


I am sorry if you feel insulted. I don't think I apologized in advance. And you have every right to delete my comments if you think ill or insulting (it was not my intention, unfortunately I am lasts commenting on ). In When CG ,if it is true, it is not anything pleasant with certain characters, and it hurt like you have no idea how Suzaku. I think I need to understand more to lelouch but so many lies makes me a task of the Titans but i will make an effort
            Thank you for respecting the canyon, and if in reality in terms your chapters, albeit comment lasts your writing is good and with content. Now I understand and thank you for answering my message. Only I can't avoid the pain that makes me Suzaku because I believe that i want as much as to Lelouch. I reiterate my thanks.


@SebasxAlois (Side note: I’m actually getting ready to post next chapter of Ambiguous very soon.)
            Now, I don’t mean any of the following or bellow to sound rude, but I do feel a little insulted. These fics are my take on canon. Please don’t accuse me of ignoring it/the characters for the sake of writing Suzaku-abuse-fantasies – I dislike those types of stories – because you don’t like what I’ve written or because it doesn’t follow what others write. I do adore Lelouch, he’s my favorite character. I see him as a tragic, complicated and -flawed- person, and I try to write him as realistically as I can through -his- perspective, but that doesn’t mean I’m torturing Suzaku just to be cruel or want him to be miserable. I see Suzaku as a sad character with baggage not a bubbly personality. The fics you’ve commented on aren’t even one-sided in angst, Lelouch is also suffering. I don’t like the double standard that it’s ok to have Lelouch suffer but not Suzaku. If you don’t like Lelouch (this pairing or how I write them) then I guess you won’t like my stories and that’s just the end of it. (If you want to see Lelouch abused, you won't find it here.) I try to stay true to canon and the characters’ perspectives I write for, even if some fics take darker turns – CG isn’t always pleasant, itself.