
Hey guys. 
          	I hate to make this announcement, but I think I’m going to take a hiatus from Wattpad. My writing is suffering right now and I’m just—I’m kind of in need of a break from the internet and social media in general. So everything is on hold as of right now. I cannot give a date for when I come back. 
          	I’m really sorry... I’d rather not have to do this... 


@escapism91 Just found you via the XIV boards. Definitely gonna give you a read, always looking for some new books to devour ;)


I was wondering where you went!?  I came to check in you and saw this message. Pheff, I’m glad you are okay. 
          	  Enjoy you rest, we’ll see you when you’re ready. 
          	  Take care my Watty Friend,


Hey guys. 
          I hate to make this announcement, but I think I’m going to take a hiatus from Wattpad. My writing is suffering right now and I’m just—I’m kind of in need of a break from the internet and social media in general. So everything is on hold as of right now. I cannot give a date for when I come back. 
          I’m really sorry... I’d rather not have to do this... 


@escapism91 Just found you via the XIV boards. Definitely gonna give you a read, always looking for some new books to devour ;)


I was wondering where you went!?  I came to check in you and saw this message. Pheff, I’m glad you are okay. 
            Enjoy you rest, we’ll see you when you’re ready. 
            Take care my Watty Friend,


Hello, my lovely followers! 
          I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here. Just...still struggling with writer’s block. On both You and Me and Luxe. Luxe I’ve made it to chapter 43, but I’m still debating on how to move past it and onto the next mini-arc of events that will start progressing towards the end of the novel and into Book 2. And You and Me is just... I really hate it, but I may have to place it on hold until I can get more writing done. 
          I’m also sorry for not catching up on my currently reading books. I haven’t forgotten any of the wonderful stories that I’m currently reading! I’m just... mentally exhausted still. And feeling a little bit discouraged as I notice my read and stuff going down. It happens every once in a while. I just need to get over it. Doesn’t help I’ve lost a few followers—but they likely weren’t anyone who was actually checking out my work, and just those who wanted follow for follow, which I don’t do. I can’t deny “follow for follow” people really annoy me. Sorry to sound so abrasive lol
          Would be nice to have a Blind to Reads feature, like how dA (haven’t been on there in a long time lol) has a Blind to Page Views thing. 
          Anyways, just wanted to give a little update.


@IMZoetic Thank you for your kind words, dear. :) Yeah, I’m guessing nicer weather around here and the US slowly opening up in places means people are likely not staying at home as much. I know several of my co-workers have vacations in June and they’re already planning trips out! Hopefully things will pick up soon. Normally, I try not to care too much about having a huge following—but writing is something I would like to make a career out of one day. I definitely do not want to be in retail for the rest of my life lol! 
            I’m really glad to hear of someone else that feels the same about follow for follow. I want people to follow me and read my work because they like it. Not because they’re hoping I will follow them or read theirs. It just feels very dishonest? Not sincere? I think you get the feeling I’m describing. 
            I’m thinking You and Me will have to be placed on hold. Gloria and Daniel deserve more than a half-arsed story. And I feel like that’s the kind of stuff I’m giving them. Perhaps when I’ve settled down with Luxe a bit more...though it has several planned books. Not just the first one.... 
            I’m glad that I can continue to have your support. Really, I appreciate every read and comment and vote you give me. And I always look forward to your thoughts on my chapters. They make my days. ❤️❤️


I miss you!    ...and just so you know, my reads are down too. I think now that the nicer weather is here and the bands are slowly lifting, (here in Canada at least) more people are out and about apposed to reading... at least that’s my rational!  Lol 
            Nice one on the ‘follow for follow’ too. It took me a bit to realize that happens. I feel people should want to follow me for my work... like I follow others for theirs. Not just for popularity. I could care less about that. 
            Chin up my friend. Never doubt your talent, as I for one am in awe of your writing. Take your time, your writers block will pass. If you need to put things on hold for a while, that is completely cool. 
            I’ll be here when you’re ready to continue as I for one love your work!!!  


Chapter 31 of Luxe is up! 
          I have two glorious days off from work. In a row! That never happens lol. So I’m really hoping to rest up and get some writing done! 
          I know Luxe may seem like it’s not...going anywhere, but I assure you that each chapter is building up until the very end of the novel. Which is still a ways away, but I’m hoping when it arrives, everyone reading will realize why there seems to be so much “filler”. 


Chapter 30 of Luxe is up! 
          It’s really funny how Luxe has more reads and votes—and how I’ve honestly promoted it more—but You and Me is the one that appears on the front page in Undiscovered Stories all the time lol


@escapism91 You know!  I question that stuff all the time.  Just like the 'tags' - who determines where and how things get rated or advertised?!  I guess it will remain a mystery.  =0)
            BTW ~ I see Perfect advertised along with You and Me all the time.  Once I saw all 3 of your stories on the main page!  No surprise there as you are AWESOME!  ;0)


*sigh* I got like no sleep because I was messaged by my boss right as I was going to bed and asked to come in early because...whoever did accounting yesterday messed something up, and I need to go in and fix it. 
          I’m so tired right now. ;-; 


@escapism91  boy i feel you on that one


Chapter 27 of Luxe is up! 
          Short (and sweet) chapter this time. 
          Starting next week, Luxe will go to uploads three days a week. I still have several chapters stocked up as drafts waiting to be published, but I am taking a short break from working on it to dedicate more time to You and Me. We can’t neglect Gloria and Daniel! 
          Thank you to everyone who had read my work. It truly means a lot to me. ❤️


Chapter 26 of Luxe is up! ^^
          I’m going to go sleep now. My work situation has actually gotten much worse because a co-worker has to go home sick today, and it’s looking more and more like I’ll be working Friday and Saturday morning instead of having a day off—and that will be pushing me to working 14 days straight in a row.  I have to because I’m the only other person who can do the job. In the entire store. And it’s a serious one (accounting), so... it’s not like it can’t be done for 2 days and everything be gucci. @.@
          Yeah. I’m exhausted. @.@ But thank you guys for being so supportive and understanding. 
          I want to apologize in advance. I don’t think You and Me will see an update this Saturday. I did start on the next chapter, but I really don’t want to post some half-arsed piece. So I am delaying it until next Saturday. I will do my absolute best to provide 2 solid chapters. 
          I love you all! ❤️