Hi everyone. Wow its been maybe I'd say 2 years since I've been back on this. And I owe all my followers and readers and everyone who supported my writings a HUGE apology. I'm SO SORRY to everyone for not being on, not writing. I had hard times going on and I fell back into a depressive state that I never wanted to be in again. I was tired of always looking happy on the outside but hurting on the inside. And that caused me to fall away from my passion of writing. So I took the initiative to get some help, so I'm going to counseling and doing what I have to, to get back on track and back to being the old me. So if you guys are still with me and will still support me. I'd really appreciate it. I understand if you stopped following me and lost faith and I'm sincerely sorry again to everyone. I will be on an try to update as much as I can because now I work all the time. But with this COVID-19 there will most likely be more updates. It might take a bit, I might have to skim my own stories and figure out where my brain was going with it but I will do my best. I still love you all my little bookworms