When you find out the one you thought loved you moved on in less than a month it hurts. He chose the pretty girl, tall, blonde long wavy hair, blue eyes, shy, kind, sweet, not clingy, nice laugh, a girl that everyone wants.
I'm just the left overs. The girl in the back of the classroom, with anxiety. I'm clingy maybe that's why no one likes me. I'm not tall I have short hair which is black. I'm not skinny I'm far from it. I have a horrible laugh, no one wants me. I'm just the girl that gets left. The girl that is always the one chose last. Everyone has someone why don't I?
They say that special person will come in time and to just wait. But I don't think I can. They dump me because I'm fat, ugly, clingy.... Why can't I be like those girls that are loved and love someone. The ones who don't hat their bodies...
He moved on he went for the perfect girl. His now "Ms.perfect" he never called me that. She's all he ever wanted.... I'm what no one wants. - depressed child