
@Angelhailey sure send a link


@eternalgoth hey! sorry for the late reply but life has been busy :S Anyways, the key ingredients to having more readers are: a good story, time and returning the favor. 
          A good story, well, this doesn't need much explanation. Time is something important as well. The more patient you are and keep uploading regularly, more people will read your story. People on Wattpad like regular uploads, something they can look forward to. As for returning the favor, I have discovered that by taking the time to read the work of other people (with a similar interest in stories) can be helpful. They will be more likely to give your story a try if you take the time to read their, to leave helpful feedback, etc...
          Also, you can promote your story in the Share your story club or outside Wattpad (Facebook, twitter, friends and family,...)
          I hope this helps a little :)