
People are so mean on  thanks MOST wattpad people


Hi I loved your story ~Trust me~ Hold on, it was good, I was wondering when your going to update it, I liked your idea for it, I might make a Bones story myself but I’m not sure if people will like it :/ if you wanna know the idea for it you can ask :) anyways I hope you can update it soon and hope you have a good day :) 


Just wondering if you’re going to finish your bones fanfiction or any of your other stuff ( sorry if it seems rude I’m not trying to be rude) anyway love your stuff 


@alice123456789 I genuinely have no idea. I would like to some day just for nostalgia sake or just to feel accomplished


I was wondering if any of my Castle/NCIS lovers would like to create a group account to share fanfics ig idk my friend is in one and I was like oh that sounds fun and she was like you should start one so message me if you want to join


 Great I'll let you know if more people message me