
don’t piss me off,  forbes.


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@eternaltemptatixn,    [    the annoyance dissipates,  and it's replaced by mild regret and guilt.  a hand goes to his face,  drawing down on his complexion as his wariness settles in.    ]    i'm just on edge,  shit.  that was my fault i didn't mean to take it out on you.  what are you here for?


@brewerys    (  . . .  )      whoa   ,    okay—    / someone /    woke   up   on   the   wrong   side     of    the   bed   this   morning  .     [        the   blonde   rose   her     eyebrow   as   she   quickened   her   pace   to     match   that   of   alev’s.   her   hazel    gaze   briefly   flickered   over   the   other’s   face  ,    a   frown  mixed   with   a   slight   pout   forming   on   her   features   .     ]      what    did    I   do   to   deserve    / that / ? 