
          	this sis has an IMMENSE amount of energy and sis is in luv with herself so yes happy days 
          	AAAAAAAND i might just get either sister merch or conan gray merch but i cant choose lawl help


im going off COMPLETELY for a month or so cuz i really really REALLY need to focus on my college application. i was hella confident abt everything then i watched 'work it' and it felt like a slap in the face lawl. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW I CAN SLIP INTO MY COLLEGE APPLICATION THAT I WROTE A SMUT NOVEL WITHOUT THE WORD SMUT IN IT??? HELP


Hello friend, I'm just a Wattpader like you. And I just want to request you that, can you take some time of yours and look into "The Coronation Award" at my profile ?
          If you would like to participate there with this Book of yours, I would have been very grateful to you.
          I ask you to Help us and our community to promote the Contest further. We need Participants and Judges.
           I would like your help too in my need of hour


@imagineTishaD i would love to!! <3