Hello author! I hope you’re doing fine and hoping for your safety since there is a virus that lurking around the world. I just want to say that the “Just Friends” book was one of the best stories that I’ve read! It opened up my mind and learned how important it is to take care your mental health. You must love yourself first before the others and also, we must treasure our families and friends! In just 2 days, I finished reading “Just Friends”. I stayed up all night just to read this since I became curious about this story because I saw it on Tiktok! And I didn’t regret on reading this because I really love the flow of this story. It made me cried really hard until my eyes became swollen hahaha! Since I can relate to the story, being friend zoned hurts so bad, but after a long time it made me realized that it’s much better to just stay friends! So that, it wouldn’t become awkward since it made my friend became uncomfortable around me. Thank you for this story! I’ll probably can’t get over to this for a long time! Once again, thank you authornim! ❤️