
Just to let y’all know, my Instagram has been hacked with my  WattPad link included in the bio. If you see any suspicious behaviour on this account, notify me immediately 


Hello, it is I: your author who has seemingly fallen off the face of the Earth but for worry not. I am alive. I am still planning fanfics and stuff but for my current (re)obsession, I have been indulging in a lot of Ninjago lately. So yeah, in case you’re observing how I have been. Just re-obsessing over Ninjago and currently planning my own fanfic of that show.


Would you guys still read my stories and fanfics, even if it takes years for me to plan and publish them? 


@ethshek it’s okay. i’d still wait :)


@aesthetic_basic Awwe thanksss, it’s just really hard to try and write while planning for a long time on top of being a perfectionist, living with anxiety and an inferiority complex annnnd researching storytelling by reading reviews on certain shows and the internet. Sorry that was long 


this message may be offensive
Anyone have those moments where you feel incredibly dumb and stupid when everyone else around you is smart and has more common sense on how to do things and shit? That’s me, right now. I may be petty but when someone asks me to do something, even the littlest things. My brain shuts off and don’t know what to do. I get told off for not doing it right like I get the wrong thing or do something completely opposite to what they asked for. I just get less and less confident with who I am as a person and feel inferior and attacked. Even in games where I get something wrong with my friends and they jokingly/seriously tell me I picked something dumb compared to them. I feel somewhat attacked. Why am I like this? Why do I feel like I’m being petty and childish for getting upset over the smallest things like a joke that sounds like an attack? If anyone sees this, please tell me if this is something you know firsthand or from someone else you know. I really need some advice, it’s not like anyone will answer this cause no one literally reads most of what I say on WattPad...


@ethshek yw! I'm here if you need anything else ❤


@CrocodileLoki31 I didn’t expect you to reply to this but I’ve gotten over that mindset now but thanks for the advice and commentary


@ethshek wait hold up i forgot something. About tying to be nice to everyone, thats because I dont want to cyberbully anyone again. Its a big guilt trip just thinking about it, so whenever my friends get into a "dramafest" and hate each other for a few weeks I always say "stop it stop arguing its using and you'll just regret it later. Just freaking apologize" they always ignore my advice! And eventually when they get back together thats literally all they had to do! Apolo-freaking-gize. It's so obnoxious sometimes. Now I'm done.