
guess who's back (back back) back again 
          	— lmao yup


Posted the first chapter of 'Rappeler'. If anyone's wondering, rappeler means remember on French. As you see, I am obsessed with French XD. 
          Anyway, I hope you like it, because it's very long, and it basically took me 1 day to write it. 
          I am also going to change my book covers as soon as I make them, hope y'all wil like them. 
          XOXO - Ivana


          riley and lucas are literally amazing... i was shocked in both, sweet sixteen and goodbye...
          just, shocked...
          their love for each other is so undeniable... 
          it's so strong❤
          "undeniable power of human love" - peter hale 


I cri bc ur top quote in ur bio inspired a story of mine. [it's in my drafts but that's besides the point]


@farkleyourself  I would love to read it!


I actually had it up, but I took it down. I should have it up soon tho


@farkleyourself You should definitely post it! I would love to see it!!


As you all now, Girl Meets World has been cancelled...
          It has been an amazing journey, to watch and see all these characters develop into something more.
I have really enjoyed everything on the show, I just wish some characters developed more.
Everything has been amazing and perfect and seriously this show has taught me a lot.
To always keep my friends close no matter what and to accept myself for who I am.
To always be myself and in the end everything will be okay!
Girl Meets World has been amazing, and brilliantly written, it saddens me that such a wonderful story would end up being so short.
          Riley Matthews taught me to always be myself, to look at life with a bright smile, and to always trust my friends no matter what!
          Maya Hart taught me that even when it’s hard, you have to stay strong!
          Lucas Friar taught me that sometimes change is good and that you can meet someone who will stay with you forever, sometimes because of your mistakes!
          Farkle Minkus taught me to accept myself for whoever I am, and to always believe in myself no matter what!
          Zay Babineaux taught me to always look at life with a smile and never stop joking around! To truly stay a kid even when I grow up!
          Isadora Smackle taught me that even if I am in anyway stopped from continuing my journey, that I should keep fighting for who I am and for what I want to do!
          This show had taught me a lot and it hurts me that it’s ending so soonly!
Disney has truly made a mistake and I hope they will learn that.
          I will continue writing, and I hope you all will continue reading ❤
          I love you all. Class dismissed. - Mr Feeny.