Youre Following Eunice :)
Hello! *waves hands and jumps up and down*
Welcome to my profile. If you're taking time out of your day to read this than I love you already.
Also, I like to hug. A lot. So if you ever meet me, greet me with a hug!
Random tid bits-
-I'm repp'ed by Foundry Literary and Media agency
and in AU & NZ by Book Harvest Literary
-A whole wall in my house is covered in clocks.
-My favorite number is 3 (that's a thing right? Knowing people's favorite numbers)
-My favorite bug is a bumble bee and I even pet them. (That's right I said it. I pet bees!)
-I LOVE dogs! I have two and they are my four-legged babies.(* see background picture) Surprisingly they didn't come with the beard and crown.
-My love for dogs has inspired my celebrity crush= the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan... and Zac Effron (but he has nothing to do with dogs. He's just hot).
-I'm married to the world's most wonderful man. Who happens to be a rock star! His band is very popular in my Province (it's like a State but with more land and less people, and it's in Canada).
( ) And in the rare case that my hubby might ever read this I must tell you he is much better looking than Zac Effron. :) #win
I also TWEET stuff
And facebook-