


whooooo working on the skeleton for my new story! be prepared in the next couple of weeks for the first chapter of y/n's melancholy, a slightly self-indulgent story centered around y/n's life at hogwarts during order of the phoenix! y/n is the adoptive daughter of sirius and remus black, returning to hogwarts after spending a year in ilvermorny's exchange program. following her return, she reignites an old rivalry with the slytherin prince himself, draco malfoy.
          . . .except something is w̸̳̯͆r̵͓̄ŏ̴̼̱n̷̟͕̈g̵̥͊̎. since when has ilvermorny ever had an exchange program? and why was this "y/n" so quick to enter the story at this time? and is it just me, or does the world seem w̸̱̙̐ä̵͎̬ṟ̵̊p̷̨̅ě̵̼d̶̮̝͊̃ somehow?
          what is really going on here? find out this and more with the release of y/n's melancholy!


good afternoon and i'm so sorry for the three-month hiatus! unfortunately, my housing situation hit a dire point, and i had to pour out hundreds of dollars in savings to support my family. because i needed to focus on paying rent and rebuilding my savings (i lost over $1500, which was three months' worth of work), i sadly had to put a lot of my personal projects on hold. i'm really sorry to those who were waiting for C4Cs, R4Rs, and V4Vs, but i had to put real life first. 
            hopefully, i'll be able to get back to y'all eventually, and i'm sorry to those who've had to wait. i'm hoping to release a new chapter of cosmic jellyfish eventually!


@eunoiaberglund  Sending my good vibes to you! I hope things start looking up


@eunoiaberglund I hope that things improve for you in the near future. 
            I look forward to more Cosmic Jellyfish. :)


hey there ! i’m so sorry for the inactivity and lack of updates, my week’s been incredibly hectic  i’m hoping to update cosmic jellyfish soon, it’s just been a tad busy for me 


@eunoiaberglund you've got this ❤️ focus on yourself and make sure you're doing okay first!