
Dear participants of GCA[EOY19], we have only realised that participants are not able to put #GCA[EOY19] in their book's tag section because the tag would separate itself. Therefore we allow every participants to put #eoy19 for their book. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for understanding. 


Hello everyone, GOLDEN CLOVER AWARD is now back with the end of year award, #GCA[EOY19] ! Do spread this around to your friends whom are an author of tfboys fanfictions in wattpad. The official announcement will be posted on 7th December. 
          Check out our instagram account to know more information about GCA[EOY19] !
          Insta acc : gca0806


To all the participants of gca2019x, the nomination list has been posted in our instagram account : gca0806
          For those who wanted to check it out, may go to our instagram account. This list will also be published in here, but we can't guarantee when because there are still things to be fixed and edit. The official date for the winners' announcement would be in our next chapter as well along with the nomination list. 
          Sorry to keep everyone waiting, thank you.


Attention to every participants for GCA2019X please do not remove the #gca2019x tag from your book yet as the competition is still ongoing. Sorry for delaying all the things, we've tried our best in dealing with them now. We are hoping for every participants to stay patient as we will publish a nomination list soon, in which you will know your books would be nominated in which award. Do follow our official instagram account : gca0806 some infos might be posted there.
           Thank you for reading this. 


Hello, sorry to interrupt. But, I'm here to inform that GCA2019X's deadline was supposed to be today which is 11 February. Unfortunately, due to the lack of participants, we have no choice but to change the deadline to 28 February. Please spread this out to all of your friends that joined GCA2019X. Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience and thank you. Have a nice day! 


Hi there everyone, so we forgot to announce that it is fine to participate our latest award with more than one of your books. You may even participate with all of your books as long as it is more than 3 chapter, thank you. More informations would be posted in our official account in instagram, [ gca0806 ] 


@euphoricas That is also accepted


@euphoricas more than three chapters? What about JUST three chapters? 