
Hello everybody, I have come back to wattpad once more. I think it's finally safe to say this hellsite can't keep me away anymore. I will (hopefully) start posting and redoing all of my old stories again. Let's hope this time it actually sticks.
          	Happy belated new year to all, and I hope this year does you all justice :)


I forgot to mention that I will be changing my username from @/KBSlider to @/eur0papa_ – it is still me, just under a new name


Hello everybody, I have come back to wattpad once more. I think it's finally safe to say this hellsite can't keep me away anymore. I will (hopefully) start posting and redoing all of my old stories again. Let's hope this time it actually sticks.
          Happy belated new year to all, and I hope this year does you all justice :)


I forgot to mention that I will be changing my username from @/KBSlider to @/eur0papa_ – it is still me, just under a new name