
Oh my goodness, I didn't think my fanfic of Total Drama Totally Dramatic would be such a hit! I really want to thank everyone for all the love and support. I know it's been literal YEARS since I started writing this, but I do have the intention on completing it! 
          	Thank you for the patience and I am so sorry for such an insane delay. (Life happened...) Stay tuned! <3


@evagimxo please update it!!! it's getting so good :D


this message may be offensive
@evagimxo BABE UPDATE ! <3 ( only if you feel you can dont put pressure on yourself ) this is such a good fucking book


@evagimxo yee, you're back!


Excuse me, @evagimxo. You have any time for requests for your next Wattpad book? If so, I have one that you should write down. How would you feel if you’d  like to publish the 6th Season of TD? I figured You’d name the title, “Total Drama: Revenge Of World Tour?You can even add Dave, Ella, Sugar, Shawn, Jasmine, Rodney, Amy, Sammy, Beardo, Max, Dawn, Scott, Cameron, Sam, Dakota, Lightening, Anne Maria, Staci, And Bea, as this season’s competitors. Episode 1 will take place in Venice, Italy. Episode 2 will take place in Moscow, Russia. Episode 3 will take place in Miami, Florida. Episode 4 will take place in Kerry, Ireland. Episode 5 will take place in Wales, Episode 6 will take place in Zimbabwe, Episode 7 will take place in Norway. Episode 8 will take place in Washington D.C. Episode 9 will take place in Singapore. Episode 10 will take place in Paris, France. Episode 11 will take place in Brazil. Episode 12 will take place in South Korea. Episode 12 will take place in Mexico City. Episode 13 will take place in Belgium. Episode 14 will take place in Poland. Episode 14 will take place in Turkey. Episode 15 will take place in Dallas, Texas. Episode 16 will take place in Sydney, Australia. Episode 17 will take place in The North Pole, Episode 18 will take place in London, England. 19 will take place in Alaska, Episode 20 will take place in Lanzarote, Episode 21 will take place in Holland. Episode 22 will take place in Asia. Episode 23 will take place in Germany. Episode 24 will take place in Europe. Episode 25 will take place in Polynesia, And Episode 26 will take in Maine where Sugar learns to be a good friend to Ella by secretly letting her win and claim the million grand.


In the final, Ella and Sugar will end up becoming more of a stronger team together.


Oh my goodness, I didn't think my fanfic of Total Drama Totally Dramatic would be such a hit! I really want to thank everyone for all the love and support. I know it's been literal YEARS since I started writing this, but I do have the intention on completing it! 
          Thank you for the patience and I am so sorry for such an insane delay. (Life happened...) Stay tuned! <3


@evagimxo please update it!!! it's getting so good :D


this message may be offensive
@evagimxo BABE UPDATE ! <3 ( only if you feel you can dont put pressure on yourself ) this is such a good fucking book


@evagimxo yee, you're back!


Hi I reallllllllllllly love your book Total Drama Totally Dramatic (sorta because of what a huge Duncney fan I really am) and I was just reading it and thinking how much of a shame it was that you haven't updated it in about 2 years! I actually was looking and it doesn't look like you have been on Wattpad in a long time... I got worried and wondered if you decide to be done with your life on Wattpad, or just thought that your fans were done with you or something of the sort. I'm not telling you that you HAVE to update or whatever because its your life your story and your page, but I just think it'd be really great if you could find the time to do so, or at least let us as your fans know why you haven't been on your page and if you will or will not be returning to Wattpad any time soon/ever. I'm not asking you to spill all of your personal life and stuff cuz that'd be a very bad move to make and ask of you in my part and totally inappropriate of a fan to ask but I'm just asking to let me and your other followers know if you will or will not be coming back to your stories. If you do come back it'd be really great to see you update and try and finish up Total Drama Totally Dramatic; I've seen so many amazing stories like that one and great writers like you discontinue writing and updating for whatever reason, and for me as a person about to start writing myself I understand its hard to find time, but it really is a shame to see so much potential in a story and writer go to waist. <3
          Yours Truly,   DuncneyFantasy