
"She's beauty, she's grace,
          	She'll punch you in the face."
          	v tru 
          	- Lots of love and lollies, Blue .-.


"Bring back the habits that made you happy as a child. There's no reaon you should ever have to give up harmless things that bring you joy. You don't have to age out of having fun. Finger paint. Write mediocre fanfictions and questionable poetry. Put chocolate chips in your waffles. Sing in the bath, and while working in the yard, and while washing your hands. Hammer tunelessly on a piano. Spin in circles until you fall down. Climb a tree. Just because you're now in charge of your life doesn't mean you're expected to give up on the things that make your life feel worth living." 
          if you actually read through all of that thank you. i thought it was really cute ☺︎︎ 
          - Lots of love and lollies, Blue ✌︎


"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."
          - Dolly Parton 
          I actually really like this quote, and it is always so comforting when I'm having a bad day and someone just gives me a genuine smile xD makes me feel all fuzzy inside lol :))
          - Lots of love and lollies, Blue .-.