
Urban Fantasy lovers: Follow @seaforest and grab some fish sticks, cuz baby it's gonna be a wild ride! #philtre #phosphene #urbanfantasy #idontknowifhashtagsworkhere #andidontcare


Hey mate, thanks for the follow. Also a huge sci-fi fantasy buff. Just reading a song of ice and fire and the dark tower series at the moment.


Nice! Who's Ice & Fire by? Dark Tower series is so epic...I'd read it all again in a heartbeat if it weren't such a daunting body of work! Wizard & Glass is prob my favorite of the series.


Hey Mate, welcome to Wattpad :) I see ya like Sci-fi & Fantasy! I have some great friends on here that read and write both. Enjoy the site and happy writing!!


@evan_austin you're very welcome!


Sure can! Have a look at the list of WP authors on my bio they are all brilliant! Nearly all of us write Fantasy (mainly werewolf) and a few sci-fi. @MatthiasMalcom and @DouglasAllanSteel are ya sci-fi men!


Hi! @evan_austin Welcome to Wattpad!
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          Tri, Wattpad Ambassador


Thanks so much, @trixty! Exciting to be here. I'm already doing some reading and commenting, and my ultimate intention is to share things I've written. I joined the Short Story club so far.
            Thanks for the warm welcome!