
And... It's up !!! 
          	Didn't expect myself to be so efficient but here I am, presenting to you chapter 9 of TGAOH. Not much to say about it that I didn't already include in the previous note, so just enjoy reading it!
          	Here you go: https://my.w.tt/oLxO0GCNNK


Hello everyone! 
          I am back to check in with y'all once again, and this time I come bearing some good news! 
          The next chapter of TGAOH has finally been written; obviously another failed attempt of keeping to short chapters, but I'm quite proud of it, because I kind of played around with a slightly different writing style (not sure if y'all will be able to notice; the difference is not very large).
          Quite a lot of introspect, but it's a pretty big turning point in Peyton & Colin's relationship, so I do suggest that you check it out when I post it ! 
          Unfortunately, I didn't manage to include Josh's first official appearance because the word limit was already way over what I had planned, so I decided to split what had originally been one chapter into two. 
          Sad thing is, the next chapter with Josh is not done, and actually I'm not very satisfied with my progress on it so far, so no promises on that one, but as for the other one, it'll be out very soon so stay tuned for it !! (:




@honestlybananas ahh I'm so glad to hear such affirmation !! I was actually really afraid to do it, but I realised that I do have standards for the work I produce & I should adhere to them as best as I can (: thank you so much for understanding !! It means so much to me ♥ 
            ps yay me too !! HAHAH


I am so ready for the next TGAOH chapter. 
            And even though I am dying to read SS more cause I love the book with all of my heart, I respect your decision and it’s okay girl. Writer block’s a bitch, you will get over it. 
            PS I am SUPER excited for Josh’s appearance. 


Hello everyone!
          First off, I would just like to say I'm super sorry for being so inactive; don't worry I'm not dead (yet). Just super overwhelmed by school sigh 
          Unfortunately, I don't come bearing good news of an update, because not only do I barely have any time to finish my school work, my writer's block is still very much present and sadly I can't seem to do anything that would help it go away :(( 
          Although, there is a possibility of me participating in the new Short Story contest coming up for Valentine's Day but no promises yet! I'll update yall further when concrete plans are made.
          Just wanted to check in with yall to ask about the progress of everyone's new year so far? I guess mine is going quite okay, just a lot of new things to adjust to, which can get pretty tiring sometimes. 
          Also wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all those of you who have been sticking with me despite my semi-unoffcial hiatus. It makes me really happy when I still receive notifications though my last update was like a month ago? So a big thank you to yall, you know who you are <3 
          Here are some of the more recent ones:
          Thank you for the support! It means a lot to me :)
          So yeah! Anyway, do let me know how things have been going for you; I love to chat with yall :)) If you're having a hard time, hang in there ok!! Sooner or later, there'll be a turnaround (can't say the same about my updates though HAHAH)
          Yeppers that's about it so I'll talk to you guys (hopefully) very soon!
          ok love yall bye <3
          P.S. Happy Valentine's Day one day in advance! Don't need a valentine because I have yall :)


hello! dropping by to say that your books, the sunshine yellow dress and stained scars have caught my eye. they sound super interesting! i can't wait to start reading them :) are they going to be completed soon? lovely profile, btw!!


@riacourtney hi!! aww this is so sweet of you! it's not every day where people drop me messages even before they read the books haha but I'm glad you plan to! hmm as for their completion I'm so sorry that I can't guarantee anything, but I will try my best! stained scars is more likely to be continued in the near future compared to the sunshine yellow dress; in fact I'm actually considering unpublishing it haha but nothing is confirmed as of now !! thank you, although I certainly don't think so HAHA yours is lovely as well (: thanks again for this message bb! ♥♥


20K WHAT ?? is this even real
          It has happened! SS has actually hit one of its biggest milestones — 20 000 reads!! In addition to that, TPOF crossed 700 reads and TGAOH crossed 200 reads!
          This feels so surreal, and I cannot thank all of you enough, especially @honestlybananas and @flowery_princess, the both of you have been such lovely people, supporting my books so much and leaving the cutest of comments — yall literally made my year HAHA
          It really all means a lot to me because I’m currently going through a pretty challenging phase in my life, I have a lot of new transitions and it’s been quite hard & stressful. But these wonderful events and people have made it all that much better, and I am honestly so grateful. 
          So in celebration of all that, SS will finally be updated again, after 2 months I think ?? Oops HAHA and following that, a TGAOH chapter :)) of course, each one will be dedicated to one of the two special people mentioned above <33
          And maybe, MAYBE one LAST bonus chapter will be added into TPOF after a suggestion from @honestlybananas. But no promises, though! Because this chapter was originally intended to be posted but I eventually scrapped the idea. Now that it has been requested I may take it into consideration again, so stay tuned for that. 
          And... yeah! I’m honestly so happy right now, yall have no idea hehe :D anyway, I’ll see you all in the next chapter :))
          P.S. thank you also to @notyourtypicalgirlyo for your support! 


@crysstallicious thank you so much! haha maybe that’s exaggerating a bit too much...? but who knows right ?? 


 OMG thank you and CONGRATULATIONS! I am sooo happy for you and I am hoping that Maybe will change into a Definitely. I am soooooo excited for the updates. Love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


P.S i love the way you write