
I've kind of hit a rut with my stories. None of them are particularly interesting to write about anymore, and the new one I'm writing, I've just reached that phase where I'm like 'I hate it, I'm a failure, I'm going to have 27 cats because I'm such a failure' so if anyone actually reads those stories (besides my best friend) I hope you don't mind my little hiatus. 


I've kind of hit a rut with my stories. None of them are particularly interesting to write about anymore, and the new one I'm writing, I've just reached that phase where I'm like 'I hate it, I'm a failure, I'm going to have 27 cats because I'm such a failure' so if anyone actually reads those stories (besides my best friend) I hope you don't mind my little hiatus. 


@evangelinescrown take your time and don't worry about it. You'll be able to find your way out of the rut, it happens to me, it happens to all writers. I hope you will find the enjoyment in it again soon :)


Hey! I'd love it a lot if you guys checked out my newest story, Peacekeepers. It's a Hunger Games fanfic, and I'd appreciate getting your thoughts on it and if I should continue. Chapter one is a bit of a set up for Mason and Evangeline and Chapter Two (which I'm working on now) is more of a story. 


So I just deleted all my stories. On purpose of course, I just haven't been able to write at all, and I can't even begin to think about writing anything decently good. My life has been kind of crazy this past month or so, so please, just bare with me, and hopefully I'll have more stories up soon. <K


@Aberial_63 The Heir destroyed me, and I just am emotionally unstable so I can't write anything and I started sobbing and my family thought I was crazy so I'm very, very not happy. Also, I kept forgetting that this was a fanfic and I was like "Wait, Maxon went to the rebel base! This is all wrong! Where's Alex?!" So yeah....


What happened to your story Independent? 


Ok! Sorry for the late reply too. I haven't checked my posts in a while >.<
            You don't have to email it to me. I can wait! Just tell me when it's posted! :D


And the story is a lot cooler than it sounds. :0 Maybe I could e-mail you some of it to see what you think??


Sorry, I just saw this. I decided to delete it and rewrite it because I just felt like the theme for the necklaces and destiny was overdone. Now the story is going to be about a girl whose sister is kidnaped and forced into slavery and she (with some help) has to train to learn to free them. It's all the same characters, Sam, Saige, Reye, you know, but I'm making the story flow a lot smoother.