
Hi. So...I see you're getting a lot of negative attention and I'm not saying you deserve it but you should really try to write your own stories instead of stealing other people's. Its not hard.
          I hope you can do better and I hope you're okay, but what you're doing isn't okay. Think of it this way...if you write something yourself, it's yours. If you repost someone else's work, it's theft.
          Writing fanfiction is not that hard, and you can be inspired by people but you shouldn't copy and paste other people's work and not give credit.
          I'm sorry you're receiving so much negative attention. But this has to stop.


you should also make a formal apology so all 92 of your followers (especially ones who VOTED for these stolen stories) know where they came from and can find them, as well as that they were stolen.


They even promise in dms that they did, but they still haven’t


they’ve yet to delete their stolen stuff too i’m so mad


this person has made their account private  smh