
@MendingMyLoveSong Yeah, there are groups and organisations and things for it. Once you get over the initial shock and know they won't do any damage they're actually kinda fun :P Ya, I think that the city centre and on the edges of Christchurch were hit more than the suburbs :/ 


@breatheinxbreatheout haha, i know that a lot of people are still tense about the earthquake and all. A Lot of people are having feelings that theres gonna be another one as well :/ but other than how big the earthquake was, nothing was very much damaged but cause i'm in Upper Hutt in the Wellington area, nothing was as bad here but the earthquake was flappi'n huge! xx


@MendingMyLoveSong Yeah, a few of my friends were in Wellington when it happened and they said it was worse than the one down here. We felt a few large aftershocks last week, but they don't happen very often and the recovery process is moving quickly. Prepare for the horrors of the EQC, they are so bad at dealing with them :( xx 


@MendingMyLoveSong Yeah, after that large one last Sunday, things have been getting heaps better. I haven't been feeling any earthquakes really since but a few aftershocks. We're just lucky i guess that we don't have a tsunami warning or anything cause all the earthquakes are mostly coming from the Pacific but that large one. :/ Everything still all goods down there? xx