
Hey everyone! It's been a LONG while! So here's a little bit of an update. 
          	1. I'm still working on my new work, The Shadows Behind The Throne (previously Shadow Wraith). It should be finished by July 2023, when the chapters will be uploaded about three times a week. In the meanwhile, I have just uploaded the first three chapters to give you an idea as to what to expect. 
          	2. I WILL definitely be returning to the Imperial Trilogy once TSBTT is finished! As so much time has passed, I will first be rewriting Imperial (yes, again! But the changes shouldn't be quite as drastic!), before moving onto the sequels. The idea here is to mainly start getting Imperial in much better shape, as I do plan on eventually publishing it. 
          	3. As I get closer to publishing TSBTT, I will be rebranding my Wattpad profile a little bit, including changing my username to my pseudonym (Eve Dalton). I may or may not even get to creating a website/social media page - but that is still a little way away. 
          	Thank you for all the patience, and bearing with me!


Clarification: Publishing TSBTT (under 3) is uploading onto Wattpad, not actually publishing! THAT is still quite the long way off!


Hey everyone! It's been a LONG while! So here's a little bit of an update. 
          1. I'm still working on my new work, The Shadows Behind The Throne (previously Shadow Wraith). It should be finished by July 2023, when the chapters will be uploaded about three times a week. In the meanwhile, I have just uploaded the first three chapters to give you an idea as to what to expect. 
          2. I WILL definitely be returning to the Imperial Trilogy once TSBTT is finished! As so much time has passed, I will first be rewriting Imperial (yes, again! But the changes shouldn't be quite as drastic!), before moving onto the sequels. The idea here is to mainly start getting Imperial in much better shape, as I do plan on eventually publishing it. 
          3. As I get closer to publishing TSBTT, I will be rebranding my Wattpad profile a little bit, including changing my username to my pseudonym (Eve Dalton). I may or may not even get to creating a website/social media page - but that is still a little way away. 
          Thank you for all the patience, and bearing with me!


Clarification: Publishing TSBTT (under 3) is uploading onto Wattpad, not actually publishing! THAT is still quite the long way off!


It’s 2023 mate?


Yeah, it is. Oops. Time flies! Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to write as much as I would have liked (apparently travel is tiring!), and the book that I’m writing kinda demands to be written perfectly - if that makes sense? With the Imperial Trilogy I could just sit down and write and it would be fine, but with this new one? It’s a LOT more demanding. Needs a lot more planning (with its mystery tones), and even then needs to be written in a way that flows a particular way. 
            I know that probably doesn’t make much sense, but it’s really hard to describe. It’s pretty much resulted in a LOT of chapters shoved aside, to be re-written. I think I’ve written more than 100,000 words for it now… But the story itself only has 25,000 words at this stage.
            But definitely making slow progress.


Silver are you well ? do you plan to resume the series ?


@bgcvetan Well, it's very different to any story I've done before. It starts out with a regicide - which the main character tries to solve whilst trying to help his friend (the prince) cope with his father's death. So it is still fantasy - but there are elements of mystery in it, as well. 
            And then there is also a focus on the motives and of each of the characters - particularly on that grey area between what's "right", and what's "wrong".


@SilverDragonRider That seems like alot of  time in the future. Can you tell me more about your other work that you plan to upload ?


@bgcvetan Yeah, I’m in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia). And thanks!
            I fully understand where you are coming from; I have lost the muse for stories in the past. But I will definitely come back to the trilogy - probably starting with thoroughly editing Imperial (and hopefully get it good enough to start pitching to publishers), before most likely rewriting Apex (to get it to correlate with the edited version of Imperial).