
Just finished reading Unseen by Bel Watson. You guys gotta check it out. It's so good, no joke! It's on wattpad (obvsly lol)


@_anothermisfit_  Oh my gosh! Hi!! I love your advice so much! I really appreciated that formula for originality because it helped me a lot. I've been having some struggles on my writing lately. It's just because I can't seem to make up my mind on which story to work on. I always find something that I think is better and switch to that story and the cycle just continues. I'm not sure if you mentioned this on your book because it's been awhile since I've been binge reading on my library lol. Any advice though? 
          P.S. hey we have the same nickname! People usually call me Em too. :)


Hiiii!!! Ur a Filipino?


@s-h-a-n-z-e-l hello!! Thanks for following btw. And yup, I'm filipino :)) you? 