
Hello hello, friends!
          	I hope all of you have been staying safe and taking care of yourselves. I’ve missed you!
          	In a year punctuated by so many losses, uncertainty and unwanted change, I hope that the news I’m about to share puts a smile on your face as it did mine, when I first heard about it from my friend and fellow DiYue writer, @hsienhui1978. 
          	On December 20th, Beijing time, on DiDi’s bday, (for some this might actually be December 19th), two collaborations will be published on Hsien’s wattpad account. The Boy Who Stole Her Heart and The Girl Who Stole His Heart are two books sharing purely, fluffy, kilig DiYue stories each told from YueYue’s and DiDi’s POVs. Seven writers (@hsienhui1978, @_kimchirice, @nataliekombe, @myhappyending95, @zazounette86,  and @lunaypina and me) penned brand new one shots and I can’t think of a sweeter DiYue way to round out the year. 
          	Hope these stories steal your heart and remind you of how terrific this fandom is and how much we love DiYue. 


@lindaisfangirling I’m so excited to have love stories to read!


Hello hello, friends!
          I hope all of you have been staying safe and taking care of yourselves. I’ve missed you!
          In a year punctuated by so many losses, uncertainty and unwanted change, I hope that the news I’m about to share puts a smile on your face as it did mine, when I first heard about it from my friend and fellow DiYue writer, @hsienhui1978. 
          On December 20th, Beijing time, on DiDi’s bday, (for some this might actually be December 19th), two collaborations will be published on Hsien’s wattpad account. The Boy Who Stole Her Heart and The Girl Who Stole His Heart are two books sharing purely, fluffy, kilig DiYue stories each told from YueYue’s and DiDi’s POVs. Seven writers (@hsienhui1978, @_kimchirice, @nataliekombe, @myhappyending95, @zazounette86,  and @lunaypina and me) penned brand new one shots and I can’t think of a sweeter DiYue way to round out the year. 
          Hope these stories steal your heart and remind you of how terrific this fandom is and how much we love DiYue. 


@lindaisfangirling I’m so excited to have love stories to read!


Hi, my loves! Just wanted to give you all a big sweet hug—20K reads for Lascivity and it reaching #1 for Dyshen (it’s been there for #1 fandic  too) and it’s so neat that you all recognize it as works of love for our DiYue. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 


@Hsienhui1978 being a part of this fandom and community exposes us to so many nice ppl; I’m so glad you’re one of them! Love you right back!


Man, this drought is lethal..... Anyone else feeling it? I’ve posted two chapters to a new short DiYue multi (3-5 chaps tops) I’m penning in my Lascivity book (18+ ⚠️, NSFW). Nothing like some lemonade to quench our thirst  
          Hope y’all enjoy!
          besos , ev 


@weinnahauyeung0056 they so needed to be mafiosos!


@Hsienhui1978 oh was that the story prompt you’d wanted to suggest?! Have fun in Korea—I’m living for that train thingee you went on


I saw the header of the first chapter. I had wanted u to write about that tik tok video!!!!


Hi all, how’ve you all been? Good, I hope!
          Thanks for continuing to come back and read, comment and show love. I can genuinely say that it’s warmed my soul, which has taken them all in and has been much appreciated. 
          For stuff that I won’t get into, I experienced a semi-writing block. I think I’m cresting that wave though, as I was re-inspired to start the short CaiSi multi-chap, Let’s Date and will soon start a DiYue multi-chapter —it’ll be my first lengthy one! I also plan on turning the burners back on to my Live Audience book: Fanfic’ing on the Fly for which I’ve a long overdue reader request in the works. 
          I hope you’ve all been discovering new CaiSi/DiYue stories out there or re-reading your faves, and floating on fluffy clouds with all the receipts we’ve been gifted with recently—I know I have! I’d forgotten how much I love just reading DiYue FF!
          besos ,


@evfabricando Yey welcome back! Jiayou on your multi-chap! :)


Welcome back Ev!!! 


So ummm....I’ve been a lil’ busy. I will be back real soon with a bunch of stuff and will make it up to you all, promise 
          In the meantime, did you all know that I was a writer in the Meteor Heaven project (@meteor_heaven), which officially posted its last universe almost 24 hours ago? I’m sure most of you all did because we’re such an enmeshed family. If you didn’t please do yourself a favor and read your way through 33 different CaiSi universes. You’re guaranteed to laugh, cry (yep, gotta keep it real with y’all), gasp, fan yourself, and also want to kick the sh*t out of a garbage can. 
          The universe theme, along with their ratings, and beautiful story covers (many of which were amazingly created by @lindaisfangirling). It’s all a visual feast for the eyes, as Daoming Si would say and I can’t think of a better way to commemorate the one year anniversary airing date of Meteor Garden, than with these terrific fanfics. 
          You can read my uni fanfic, Spilled Tea, over there or posted tonight in my Imagine If book. 
          Hope y’all are doing amazing,


This is one of the reasons I love writing CaiSi and DiYue, because you all are so wonderful to me 


@evfabricando take your time Ev jie! ♥♥ We will be here waiting! ^_^


Hi all!
          The Prompt Page for Friday’s FFOTF (live fanfic) is now up. Explanation on how to submit a fanfic prompt are included, along with prompts from the first fanfic in case you’d like to vote on of those. 
          Looking forward to seeing what ideas you’ve all got!


I wanted to take a moment or two to publicly acknowledge and thank my dear friend, Linda, of @lindaisfangirling1 for all her generosity and a loveliness. Did you all know that many of the book covers or photos used around our MG fandom are due to her? None of mine have her beautiful touch yet, which is why mine look to be made by a 3rd grader in their comp sci class  Not too worry she’s added me to her list of clients and soon we’ll be invited to the grownup table. 
          She’s also super when it comes to things like shrinking your ten thousand stories down to fit IG standards. She did this for a bunch of stories that you’re reading here, but that were part of @DramaLindy recent FFF. She will claim it’s a piece of cake but for me, the fact that she’d even give me 10 minutes of her time is just a show of selflessness and sweetness. Just wanted to time the time to say how much I appreciate you, Linda  Grazi. 


Awwwwww Ev ❤️ you wanted to make me cry! It was a piece of cake *smugface*but mostly a real pleasure to help you! At least I’ve got the chance to read beforehand your FF! ❤️