
this message may be offensive
i know i never personally do this to each one of yall, but thank you, seriously, for all the support and for following me. i may not be the best writer, i suck in so many ways but i thank you. i really hope yall enjoy my stories even if they suck real bad. lol i hope you guys would keep on supporting me. the support really pushed me to keep on writing even more. yall the best!


this message may be offensive
i know i never personally do this to each one of yall, but thank you, seriously, for all the support and for following me. i may not be the best writer, i suck in so many ways but i thank you. i really hope yall enjoy my stories even if they suck real bad. lol i hope you guys would keep on supporting me. the support really pushed me to keep on writing even more. yall the best!


will anyone help me to answer some surveys for my assignment? like in the near future?


Aww guys thanks! We shall see! But in the mean time... imma keep writing first for yall 


With recent issues of wattpad deleting contents and accounts, i'm taking a break from writing to try and save all my writings. that would be my top priority for now. Fyi i'm the kind that would draft and publish solely in wattpad. although i'm just a small writer, i'm scared that i might get deleted for wtv reason.  i would probably create a back up account later. but fret not, i will still reply to your comments and messages! thank you and hello to new followers and readers!


Could you do a chris brookes pregnancy story please 


Thanks love your stories by the way there the only way i get through this isolation business 


I’ll try but it may take some time. I might procrastinate lol In the meantime, do check other stories in that book too! 


Hey Mandy can you write me a fan fiction of my character Aaron blade and Jay White and put some fake instagram posts (instas: AaronBlade242 and JayWhiteNZ


Mandy what is your idea for my story