Hey everyone! I know, you all probably forget who I am even. Summer has come for me once more, and I now have free time. You guys don't know how sorry I am that my hiatus has gone on this long. This has been a really tough and bad year for my family and I. There's been so much drama between my sister's graduation, divorce, a vindictive b!tch of a so-called aunt, and putting my grandfather in a home, and just so much more. I have been totally wiped of all emotional capacity, but I'm better now. I had already started editiing The Only One, but it turns out that I have lost it... Yeah, I know. But I'm going to get the saved copies off of here, edit it (again) and post it here. Then I'll start updating again. I just really wanted to let you amazing, fantastic, dedicated, sweet, perfect people the game plan. (and hopefully grow your faith in me once more) I love you all soooooooooo much! Bye! (but not for long, I promise!)