
@asdfgailoves I read your story and I like what you have so far I hope you update soon I would like to know what happens next :)


@evilneko6118 thank you very much for including ChapStick to your list of books to read. I really appreciate the support. And you've a very cool wallpaper. I just couldn't remember what it is I'm looking at. But it's familiar. It reminds me of an online game.


Your welcome and thank you. :) The picture really just reminded me of alice and wonderland mixed with Studio Ghibli. I get were your comeing from with the video game though.


@insanityangel you got to love anime!!! and i finally finished my summer reading and the teacher got mad at me for wait for school to actually start to start reading the book XD i would love to know what you think of my story once you read it but i wrote the begining like a year ago and have finaly started working on it now XD