
Help evo I would like to say that your "the farm with in" book is very good and I look forward to read more tho I do have a few questions and some ideas that I would like you to answer and think about. The questions will be below and the ideas are below the questions
          When are you gonna update this story and are you on a break from it?
          What's your update schedule, and what ideas do you have for books? 
          Ideas ↓
          Loopholes, if I find any I would let you know in future development
          Experiment market, buying experiment Tek/items ( high cost and 60/30 fail/success. Or 50/50 your story I'm just bouncing ideas 
          Building items (including weapons, and ect) 
          Magic? That would be fun 


@Rapter108 I meant to say hi not help...