this message may be offensive
Sorry this is about to be a vent dont read if you dint want to
How bad I want this year to end, I wish I didn't live in America where our stupid is so much worse- like people are literally saying, " ITS A FREE COUNTRY THIS IS INFRINGING ON OUR RIGHTS. ", NO ITS NOT ITS JUST WEARING A MASK TO KEEP OTHERS SAFE.
I'm so fed up with this place- and according to my mom Trump is fucking everything up before he gets pulled from office?! Wtf!
And school grades are stressing me out and my dad is on deployment in japan because militarily, and I just can't! I know America probably has a better situation than other places but that isn't what it feels like right now, and I want to scream but I cant and I feel so suffocated..
And because of the military I might have to move in like a few months to a few years and I dont think I'll ever be able to say bye to my friends even if I have social to contact them on.
And just, I've made it clear who i am now, I'm Male, I'm a Transgender Male at a very young age but this is who I am and I'm comfortable with this, but lbgtq phobic family members huh, most if my family supports me but I know of one family member I know isn't going to just by looking at things he's said in the past.
Like I want to cut him out but that's impossible to do when you're "a naive teen" and you know this family will tear your parents apart for cutting him away from you, and I want to see my baby cousin but he's always around her and I dont feel safe around him and I just...
Everything is shit and I cant wait for this year to end so I can basically scream at everyone to fuck off and this is who I am, like seriously I'm just so tired
Sorry that was really long if you read that