Hey guys! It's been awhile since I wrote. I'll catch up to it but for now I need time. Thanks for being patient and sticking with me through this whole time. Love you guys! :)
hey I'm back guys!!! It's been busy lately. Should I start writing more? I feel like my stories are boring. Reply if you think I should write more cuz idk love you guys
Hey...I'm not going to write for a while..idk it's just i have so much school stuff to catch up on and im really stressed...so sorry...I'm scared that I'm going to fail this shit. I most likely will. I'm sorry. I honestly don't know...sorry if I'm being "over dramatic." but I'm just stressed and anxious right now...bye.
Sorry for posting announcments so much but I kinda am not gonna write alot cuz i'm kinda now always in a bad mood (personal shit) but i may write alot it just depends on my mood. Writing is something that takes me away from the real world and brings me into a world where i dont have to worry about my problems. I just feel like my stories are boring and that kinda brings me down also. Tbh i really don't know right now. Sorry if I'm not the best writer but I do try my best (sometimes). I don't know why I'm posting this cuz my "followers"probably want to see me write and not half way vent. So ill get back to writing :). Have a nice day xx
Should i write books other than dead by daylight, or should i keep writing dead by daylight. (p.s I think i might block some people that i know personally. :/