
this message may be offensive
ussuh du (i am half a-fucking-sleep rn)


this message may be offensive
u g h i don't wanna fucking get outta bed but I also want coffee from down the street. this sucks


Did you get the coffee 


Medieval RP starter. (It's an actual rp i'm doing so please don't use this.)
          Back in Medieval times, witches and magic bound people weren't allowed anywhere near Kingdoms, or they weren't allowed to live at all. The King is always bragging about how he's supposedly slain over 400 witches in cold blood, and somehow the Kingdom and townsfolk were fooled. Though, one woman knew he was lying. Her name is Genevieve, and she's just like any other witch that's been caught as a little girl; sitting in a cold, dark dungeon cell on her own, with barely enough meals to get her by, thanks to the King himself. Though, she managed to fool him into thinking she wasn't pregnant. In fact, her daughter is only 4 weeks old. Her name, is Aldreda. And she's just like her mother; a witch at birth.


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          “You think you’re hot shit, but I’m the one who does your dirty work.”
          “Are you willing to take a bullet for me?”
          “The moment you came to us, we owned you.”
          “You run your mouth again and see what happens.”
          “I don’t care how tired you are, you don’t turn down clients until I say you can.”
          “Who said not to mix business with pleasure? Let’s talk this over with a date…”
          “That was your first kill, you should feel proud. Hey… you don’t look so good…”
          “I don’t know what kind of ideas you’re getting but remember this… without me, you’re nothing.”
          “The world will eat you if you let it. That’s why it’s everyone for themselves. But here, you’ve got loyalty.”
          “You might be a ruthless brute, but you’re ‘my’ ruthless brute.”
          “If anything happens, I’ll take the blame. And don’t you dare to try to put it all on you this time, don’t even fucking think about it.”
          Pls pm me if u rp Descriptive and wanna rp this with me


Alright, so my friend @High_On_Gay_Vibes made a post of his dream, I commented, then I asked should post my dream from last night, and he said "hell yeah!" So im posting my dream! 
          Okay, heres how MY weird drean happened last night. So, after I fell asleep I had my dream like any NORMALLY WEIRD human would. But my dream was weird ASF. So, I walk into this house, whoch looked like my grandma's house. So im walking in, and what the hell did I see? My little brother napping on the cupcake couch, my grandma wearing a blue (she fricking HATES blue) tshirt, jeans, and chanel shoes.0, and my uncle dancing to WHITNEY. HOUSTON.  (YES TO ANY ADULTS READING THIS I KNOW HER AND I LOVE HER WORK). So yea, I woke up to my little brother sleeping next to me cuz he hates sleeping by himself. So thats how MY night went.