
Sorry I have been gone for so long everyone! I promise I'll have things updated very very soon!


Whats your bands name? I need to check tall out.


@LittleMsMisfit @blackveilgirl12 Unfortunately, I'm no longer in my band. I do, however, still work as a solo artist. I'll let you know when I have things posted with that project.


Hey so i was wondering did you write Rhiannon after some, or did you come up with her? In Jinxx's daughter 


@Lightningangel0  i am also named Rhiannon and i came acrosed Jinxxs daughter. And the Rhiannon in there is alot like me.


@Lightningangel0 She's based off of my friend Rhiannon. Jade is essentially based off of myself


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't really been posting anything lately. I'm just letting you know that I AM alive and I'm working on the final chapters of Jinxx's Daughter, as well as the new chapters of Picking up the Pieces (RRP Book 4). 
          Picking up the pieces is the fourth book of AJAaron's series Rebellious Rock Princess. She asked me to write the 4th book for her, so in order to understand it, you have to read the original 3 books, which are on her account. It's a great story and I'm so thankful that I got the chance to be involved with it.
          Jinxx's Daughter has only a few chapters left, but there WILL be a sequel. I'm so happy you all liked the story. It means a lot to me. 
          Thanks for being patient with me.