
Eddsworld throwback! Now that I looked back and rewatched some episodes, I have yet another plot that belongs in my crossover trash pile.


Geno with gun is yes


@rizeru_blot for a second i thought that your profile was Geno crying but its Geno holding a gun


@executivegay i got into eddsworld again like last december but im done with it again lol


Eddsworld throwback! Now that I looked back and rewatched some episodes, I have yet another plot that belongs in my crossover trash pile.


Geno with gun is yes


@rizeru_blot for a second i thought that your profile was Geno crying but its Geno holding a gun


@executivegay i got into eddsworld again like last december but im done with it again lol


I had finally finished reading the three books of Sans' House Guests, Shadow of Remorse, and Soul of Fire! The series is absolutely AMAZING.
          I cna clearly see why people love to reread it over and over. The ending was PERFECT. The cliffhangers for each and every book was done pretty amazingly as well. I might as well go back to the series again when I'm bored and actually be happy that Papyrus is getting redeemed 


Ngl kinda sad I finished it all in like three days.


Please don't read unless you're really willing.
          Uh... I'm usually all fun times and all, but something happened just now and I regret not reading my squad's group chat at least a couple minutes earlier.
          I don't want to call it problematic, but uh writing out my personal emotions are pretty hard for me. So, I currently have no idea of how to reply. I'm not revealing which one of them had sent the message because this is something only we have to do.
          As I said, approaching private matters like this that include uh emotions and other situations isn't pretty good for me since I'm not pretty good at 'giving' a reply or talk to help or resolve stuff.
          You could say I'm a tsundere, but being a Gemini is pretty hard with the indecisiveness and not being willing to be open. Probably one of the reasons why my first and only relationship ended, but you get it.
          And honestly, in my opinion, being open feels like being vulnerable to me. Like people would spit on your feelings once you open up. Even if I were to try to imagine how it feels like, I still see myself going about my day normally because I don't think I've ever done 'heartfelt' things.
          And it really contradicts what the situation is in our group chat. Summarized, I have no idea what and how to deal with it.
          Meaning, I'm basically screwed because the friend is leaving our chat at around 2 PM tomorrow. Because she views herself... giving a negative impact on our group and on everything she walks into...
          But she's not! I really wish I could help, but yeah...
          Thanks for reading, whoever is out there. I give a bigger thanks if-ever somebody replies.


@AO1310207 it kinda does help :>


            It is okay to open up sometimes. And I am sure things will get better. I am not to great at opening up either so I understand. But my advice for you is to try to have a positive mind set. Everything is going to be okay.
            P.S sorry if that doesn't help. I am not a great with words.


Hm yes time to make myself cringe in agony by reading a Sans x Reader--
          I could already feel the pain of reading it.


iM gOnNa bInGe iT--
            But ngl yours is more decent than... most. I accidentally read some x readers and I had a bad experience--


@executivegay I wonder if it's my book!  >:D
            mwhahahah~ suffer with me~  >:)