
/ back in the building


ㅤ╱╱  cbb !! if this flops i'll leave wattpad nkajwer


// ; here, please!! 


/      smth on blestichor !


╱╱  damian wayne canonically having a non-gothamite accent ... nOBODY MOVE ... IM ABOUT TO COOk


╱╱ no one remembers damian metal-in-his-spine but I DO !!


╱╱  little prince of krows ... i love u ... i press a kiss onto a square of paper and hand it to him with a smiley face drawn onto it .


not a day went by when you weren’t on my mind.


/ omg i will reply to this


@lazarusoath ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⠀ᐠ.
            ⠀⠀most people expected damian to step in and take his father's position as the defender of gotham . but it became obvious as time went on that batman was not damian's calling , he'd just grown out of robin . deciding to take a new alter-ego to add to his roster of names . he still worked with bruce , closely , but he did his own thing now . 
            ⠀⠀ he gestured over to the seats in the library for talia to take a seat in . settling in to one himself . he leaned forward , curious , " what happened ? "


/ they send me into homicidal rage for that.. and i feel so bad that they brought poor damian into that, too 


you are much like your grandmother.. in aura..


@lazarusoath ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⠀ᐠ.
            ⠀⠀damian's expression shuttered closed , and he brought his knees up to his chin . making him look even smaller than usual . he'd always been small for his age , and when he actively made the effort to look small , it was hard to believe that this was the successor of the demon lord . damian looked barely eight when he was ten . the stunted growth a combination of his birth being somewhat unnatural , and the fact that his training was brutal enough to stunt growth . 
            ⠀⠀ still , his cheeks were full and his fingers surprisingly dexterous for his age as he picked at the threads of the couch he was on . he looked at his mother , his voice suddenly swelling with emotion , " are you sending me away ? " he asked . his words shaking at the end . he grit his teeth , swallowing down the rush of tears at the thought . that wouldn't do -- damian had no reason to deny or question any decision made on his part . his grandfather wouldn't allow it . 
            ╱╱ :smirks: added some pre-robin angst 4 u ,,,


@exghul   ⟡   it was only until now she realized that damian started his training much younger than she did. he endured more in the pivotal years of his childhood but there was no way around it. there was no way of giving him another life. during her second trimester of pregnancy with damian, talia considered giving him up for adoption so that he could live a better life.. but couldn’t bare it when she had the opportunity. the woman made a selfish decision staring into the eyes that perfectly emulated bruce’s and his tiny features like his nose and his fingers. upon first glance, talia promised that she would protect him even if it meant grooming him to become a warrior just like her. at the end of the day, she truly believed that whatever decision she had made that the truth would come to light.. and if she had to do that from within the shadows then so be it. talia would allow ra’s to craft him into a formidable that when the time came, he would not be weak. that decision alone haunted her day and night, but she swallowed her pride. 
            “that is not true,” she frowned at her son. it would have to be all there is for him for now. talia wanted damian to be worth something more, and for it to be something of his own choosing. there is an entire world out there for him to explore. it was privilege she was never granted but it had to be executed carefully. otherwise, she would be endangering him and then herself. instead, talia had to play the long game, much to her demise but it was necessary. “for your survival,”  she finally reveals her intents and purposes for him. the crestfallen glimmer in her eyes telling him everything she could not muster. “do you understand what i am telling you?” damian was an intelligent boy, surely he must know what she meant despite how little she said. 
            / sobs, love the arabic word usage 


@lazarusoath  ᐠ.
            ⠀⠀ there's a frayed tension between his mother and his grandfather . something that he's picked up on the way both of them get quiet when damian goes from his grandfather's care to his mother's . he never thought much of them , he knows they're both stubborn people , and as long as it doesn't affect him he doesn't worry about it too much . but still , times like this when talia speaks of the league as . . . Other . as an entity that they're not so deeply entrenched in , it makes damian's hackles rise . 
            ⠀⠀ damian has only ever known the league . knows they can be cruel , but also wise . that his grandfather is a demon and has cut people down without second thought . but still , ra's al ghul has taken his grandson on his lap just as easily , showed him maps and taught him theory . 
            ⠀⠀ he shrinks in on himself , hands wrapping around himself in a pacifying motion . what could he say to that anyway ? his mother's word had always been unquestionable . if his mother said the league was not for damian , maybe she meant it . maybe she was . . . right , too . 
            ⠀⠀ " but there's nothing else for me . " damian murmured . he was young , but he wasn't blind to it . other children came to the league with their parents . it was rare , but it happened . damian could tell that they were different , that damian had his mother's gentle brown eyes . but he had his grandfather's burning gaze . he wouldn't fit in . 
            ⠀⠀ " ummah¹ , if not the league . . . what am i doing all this for ? " 
            ¹ lit. 'mother' in arabic .