
@Dezzypants *facepalm* I don't think I ever replied back. D: PFFT. ALL TIME LOW. :D I haven't listened to them in forever. I feel guilty now. :L I love them. But no problem. :) I'm trying to learn how to write better. Progress is slow, but I think i'm getting somewhere. 
          	Yeah, I definitely like them better than boyxgirl stories. I don't know why, but those kind of... Eh. I don't like those. Trolol They aren't? I've read a few boyxboy ones that were like.. the epitamy of cliche cheese. If they aren't as bad as some boyxgirl ones are, i'm kind of scared to see what they're like. o_o


@Dezzypants *facepalm* I don't think I ever replied back. D: PFFT. ALL TIME LOW. :D I haven't listened to them in forever. I feel guilty now. :L I love them. But no problem. :) I'm trying to learn how to write better. Progress is slow, but I think i'm getting somewhere. 
          Yeah, I definitely like them better than boyxgirl stories. I don't know why, but those kind of... Eh. I don't like those. Trolol They aren't? I've read a few boyxboy ones that were like.. the epitamy of cliche cheese. If they aren't as bad as some boyxgirl ones are, i'm kind of scared to see what they're like. o_o


@cako_chan That is too sweet, thank you so much! ^^
          Mine too, and then I also love All Time Low - and get to see them in concert on November 3rd!  LOL, I adore them. 
          Oh, absolutely not! I love them more than boyxgirl romances now, there's just so much to work with because they are not too cliche' as the heterosexual romances are. xD


Wow, thanks for becoming a fan and adding The Art of Faking Straight to your library! That's really too incredible, and I seriously appreciate it!
          I adore Asking Alexandria, and The Ready Set!  Oh, and I'm another straight girl who loves slash/yaoi/ whatever you want to call it. ^^
          Anyways, thanks for fanning!