
Happy New Year Everyone! 


Hello my lovely readers!
          I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for 5k+ views on 10 DAYS OR 10 YEARS! 
          Secondly I have published my own book on bribooks. 
          It might not be the best thing I have written as I had to cover it in 80-85 pages only.
          "An Invisible Ally" tells the importance of friendship in one's life. Do have a look at it and share your thoughts! 
          Lots of Love ♡ 


Thankyou everyone for 200+ votes and 4k+ views on 10 days or 10 years! I'm working on another book for my school side by side. The new chapter will be published either tomorrow or day after tommorow! I'm really sorry for the delay and Thankyou so much for cooperating.
          Keep supporting! 


Hi everyone! 
          So finally my exams are over!! I'm really grateful to all of you for patiently waiting and I love you guys for that! 
          The new chapter will be updated every Sunday as usual. 
          Secondly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for reading 10 DAYS OR 10 YEARS. It has finally completed 2.5k views which means alot to me! Your kind words and feedbacks are truly appreciated! 
          Lots of Love ❤️