
/*   happy birthday diluc ♡


⋆  lucien would rarely dream. it had always been like this, ever since he was a child. yet now he’s plagued by visions of dark caverns and shadowed figures, chains clinking and the echoes of screams far away. sometimes he’s the one in the chair, heat and raw pain blooming across one cheek, blood dribbling down his chin. sometimes it’s another man, taller and broader but /always/ recognisable, his hair fallen from its ponytail, bruised and bleeding yet infinitely defiant. as much as lucien fought, he would always lose, beaten into the ground, and it would always end with [father] limp in the dirt, slumped against a wall, crimson eyes blank and unseeing — -           heat burns through his body, radiating from skin sticky with perspiration, tears falling unrestrained from closed eyes as he struggles unconsciously against firm hands, trapped in delirium, crying out for [father, please no, don’t die, d̲o̲n̲’̲t̲ ̲l̲e̲a̲v̲e̲ ̲m̲e̲ ̲a̲l̲o̲n̲e̲,] thrashing in silken sheets against a nonexistent adversary. the dreams eat at him, threatening to overwhelm, to consume — -         ( f͟a͟t͟h͟e͟r͟ ͟i͟n͟ ͟t͟r͟o͟u͟b͟l͟e͟ ͟f͟a͟t͟h͟e͟r͟ ͟s͟t͟i͟l͟l͟ ͟a͟n͟d͟ ͟u͟n͟m͟o͟v͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟F͟A͟T͟H͟E͟R͟ ͟N͟E͟V͟E͟R͟ ͟G͟E͟T͟T͟I͟N͟G͟ ͟U͟P͟ ͟A͟G͟A͟I͟N͟..)  but then all at once, his eyes snap open and he shoots upright with a gasp. the first thing he does is look around him, looking and searching unaware and uncaring of his environment because the most important thing to him right now is to find /father/, make sure he's there and he's safe, in his panic he nearly falls. but that was simply testament to the desperation with which he wished to know his father was alright.  ⋆


⋆  it is night. it is night and it is dark and the room is cast in a wash of dark shadow. in his terror lucien does not see his father, he only sees a /figure/ making its way towards him and it is dark and he can't make out their face and a hand grips his and his mind is sent into overdrive. he struggles, heart beating fast and hard against his ribcage, eyes blown wide yet unseeing, and it's a while before the ringing in his ears subsides and he takes notice of that warm voice that drags him back to reality. it's familiar and grounds him, and gradually his panic begins to subside. his eyes adjust to the darkness and he could now make out the shape of his father, of his crimson gaze, concerned and loving, alive and breathing and /here/, and he instinctively wraps his arms tight around the elder.  ⋆             .. father. you're here  — -         you're o͟k͟a͟y͟ .. ?          ⋆  while he may be legally an adult, here he is still a boy. just a boy with his father, free of danger, relieved and apologetic and so, so s͟o͟r͟r͟y͟, and he feels like a small child again as he's enveloped in the steady warmth that is /father/.  ⋆


            diluc could not bring himself to leave the boy's side.  he did not want to leave him alone.  too paranoid that he might vanish again.  too worried that something might happen while his back is turned.  too scared lucien may need him when he is not there.  so he stays.  and now,  it is night again.  it is dark outside and it is dark in the room,  as well.  there's a chair in the corner and that is where diluc is.  arms crossed.  head hanging.  his own sleep is dreamless and light.  it is hard to dream when you are drifting in and out of consciousness,  after all.  at least that worked in his favor when panicked breathing soon filled the silence of the bedroom.  diluc awoke and rose to his feet quickly,  eyes squinting in the darkness.  "lucien?"  he would call out as he carefully approached his son's bed,  reaching to hold one of his hands in his own.  "lucien...  hey,  it's alright-  everything is alright...  shh...  it's okay."  diluc did what he could,  attempting to soothe the younger man. 


father.. ?       (  ...  )       i just wanted to say.. happy birthday.


⋆  lucien startled at that, very much unexpecting such a request. though after standing there awkwardly for a few seconds he would eventually move closer.  ⋆           .. yes, father. i'm coming.


            oh,  lucien...  this is very thoughtful.  thank you.  i really appreciate this.   [   after turning the bookmark over in his hands,  he offered a little smile.   ]   come here.


.. yes. it's april 30th, isn't it? this is.. a bookmark. there's a pressed lamp grass there.. i noticed how you've been reading more, so i thought it might be a fitting gift.


father.. ? no, don't get up just yet — -        /please/, father. you're burning up..


            (   ah!   )   [   diluc had forgotten about the wound,  despite the pain.  with a slightly out of focus gaze,  he looked down to where the injury was.  he was still sitting up.   ]   it'll-  be fine.  i've hardly even moved.


you’re not fine /at all/, father.. ! please just — -        please just listen to me and lie down. your wound’s going to reopen again..


            mm...?  that must be an exaggeration..  i feel completely fine,  i assure you-...   [   this is a lie   ]


you're looking sullen.. what's wrong?


            maybe they do.  regardless,  i'm still not going to unload all of my troubles onto you.  such a thing would hardly be fair...  even to a man of the fatui,  like yourself. 


except you /would/ gain something. don't they always say if there's something on your mind, it's better to tell someone about it?


            you would gain nothing from hearing my troubles.  and,  i would gain nothing from telling them to you.


your face is.. very flushed, master diluc. hm.


            what would i have to say to you...?   [   rather than walk away,  diluc stopped where he was and folded his arms across his chest.  he gave luka a glance from the corner of an eye.   ]   that is the issue...  that you are always here and you always–..  always do and say such...  nevermind.   [   he waved dismissively as his eyes fell shut.   ]


⋆  luka only chuckled softly, quite amused at the tycoon's actions. and then he'd shrug, almost dismissively.  ⋆            well, i won't press it.. you don't have to tell me. but if there's something you want to say, you know i'm always here.


            [   diluc put a gloved hand up to his face,  even further shielding it from luka's lingering gaze.  his teeth grit together...  out of frustration that this matter was being pressed.   ]   nothing!  it–   nothing at all...   [   he tried to walk away from the other man after that,  ignoring the insufferable pounding in his chest.   ]


get your hand off me, /off/ — -         DON'T TOUCH ME.


[ there, there... pat pat.. ] 


ugh im braindead


head* hang 


⋆  how long had it been? he.. wasn't sure. dimly, he remembered he'd been on the way home from work, and.. he'd been jumped. somehow, he'd been distracted, and unable to react in time. how disappointing. but from what he'd gathered.. their real target was his father. a hostage, then. but as for how long he'd been here, what exactly they wanted.. well, they hadn't mentioned. he'd been provided minimal food at intervals, but time had blurred together for him. everything looked the same, the same people, the same lighting.. he couldn't really tell how much time had passed. all he could see was the dim flickering of a torch, placed far away from him in fear of his elemental power — -       not that he could use it, they'd taken his vision. ropes chafed at his wrists, rubbed raw from defiant struggling, a persistent throbbing in his head keeping him from falling asleep. (he suspected he'd hitten his head at some point, with the feeling of dried blood on his forehead and over his eyes.) he'd long lost the energy to struggle. all he could do was drift, and wait.. in the hope that this would end soon.  ⋆


            nothing else mattered to diluc right now.  all that mattered to him was the living,  breathing son in his arms.  red,  teary eyes fell shut and he continued trying to smooth down lucien's hair while making soft /shhh/ noises to try and soothe him further,  even going so far as to rock him back and forth a little.  diluc held lucien.  he held him as if this would be the last time he ever would.   (   it wouldn't be,  though.  he wouldn't let it ever be /the last time/.   )   placing a hand at the back of the younger male's skull,  he carefully pressed lucien's head to his own chest and eventually his eyes fluttered open.  for a while he just stared off at nothing,  ignoring the cold,  quiet tears staining his own face.  "you can sleep now...  you can sleep.  you're safe now.  i have you."  diluc assured lowly,  words followed by a shaky,  shuttering exhale.  once lucien was fast asleep,  he kissed his hair a second time while carefully moving one arm so he could take his coat off.  "i love you,  lucien..."  he whispered,  even if only he himself would hear it.  after getting his coat off,  he draped it around the boy to warm him up.  then,  he readjusted himself so he could put an arm under lucien's legs.  diluc stood,  holding him,  and then began to take him from this awful place.  he was going to take him back home. 


⋆  it would be a very long time before lucien would finally begin to calm. the frustration of falling for such a simple trap, the crushing shame of insulting his father (even while drunk), the loneliness and gradual loss of hope during this imprisonment... all those pent-up emotions had simply burst out all at once. it was all he could do to barely raise his head, to meet the gaze of crimson eyes that was like his, and yet were also different. older, weathered by the ages.. and filled with pure concern. that filled the boy with yet another rush of shame. even after all /that/, [father] still came. (at some point, lucien had wondered if he'd die there.) and if diluc had been hoping that lucien hadn't been thinking about /that time/ all this while, well.. that was exactly what happened. and the boy would shake his head furiously, tears still falling fast and hard and soaking into his bloodied shirt.  ⋆          no, father — -        father, i.. you're /here/..             ⋆  his voice shook, thick with relief and emotion. before he knew it, he'd unconsciously pressed himself close to his father. gradually his sobs slowed, reduced to soft sniffles as his tightly fisted hands slackened. suddenly a great exhaustion had washed over him, erasing all thoughts.  ⋆            father.. ? 'm.. tired..           ⋆  that was all he said then, a soft murmur that soon faded into deep, slow breaths. lucien was fast asleep, now. perhaps it was a combination of all his accumulated emotions with the relief he now felt, the toll of his injuries, or that he'd been on edge this whole time. but now that his father was here, everything.. everything would be alright.  ⋆


            "oh,  lucien..."  diluc would utter softly,  running his fingers through his sons hair.  for a while,  all he did was hold him and attempt to soothe him.  to comfort him.  diluc couldn't even begin to imagine what this must have been like for the poor boy.  what awful things were done to him.  the man hardly wanted to think about it.  before he knew what was happening,  lucien was speaking again.  although this time...  he was apologizing?  (  why was lucien apologizing to /him/?  )  diluc's brows furrowed and slowly he pulled back.  only enough to cup the side's of his son's face,  looking down at the tears streaming down his cheeks.  "lucien...  what–  no...  that...  that doesn't matter now.  that isn't important..."  his own eyes started to feel rather teary and his vision blurred.  it pained him...  to hear lucien apologizing for something that seemed so distant to him now.  something he hadn't even been thinking about.  why was that the first thing on his mind...?  diluc sincerely hoped that one bad night wasn't what his son had been dwelling on this entire time.  "It's okay...  it's okay.  that doesn't matter...  all that matters is that you're alive and you're here and i'm /so sorry/ that i wasn't faster.."  the former knight then squeezed his eyes shut,  pressing his lips to lucien's head in a soft kiss.  "i was so worried..."  he admitted against his hair,  crying a few tears of his own.  


father, father! look — -        i drew a picture of us.


            [   lucien's excitement over this topic had his brows lifting in slight surprise.  he hadn't been expecting him to be so happy at the prospect of them hunting together like that.  in the end,  he smiled to himself and continued to stroke lucien's hair...  as his own father had done to him when he was young.   ]   cool?  ah–  well...  if you're that excited for it,  i couldn't possibly say no.  of course i mean it.  i'm sure it'll be lots of fun.   [   /just like you/...  it was embarrassing yet flattering to hear such a thing.   ]


we could? you mean it, father?          ⋆  he'd smile then, his expression bright and full of excitement. and a happy giggle emanated from him.. he'd always loved it whenever his father patted his head. his legs swinging with clear anticipation, his head tilted so it'd fit perfectly under diluc's palm.. it was obvious that he was very happy.  ⋆            i can't wait, father.. you always look so cool when you're hunting. i wanna be just like you.


            ah...  don't worry.  your secret is safe with me.   [   promised the man with a subtle yet warm chuckle.  his gaze followed lucien,  never once straying from the boy.  and when lucien leaned against him,  a hand lifted to stroke his red hair.  as lucien spoke,  he uttered low responses to show that he was listening.  phrases like 'is that so...?' and  'oh really?',  and then his brows lifted.   ]   yes...  that is true.  when you get older,  we can even do it together.  how about that?


father? you should go to sleep.. it’s very late.


            then i guess here is where we'll be for now...   [   diluc mused ever so slightly as his voice tailed off,  his expression far more relaxed than usual.  he looked content and he /was/ content.  just being in the moment.  only his own whisper broke the silence.   ]   let me know when you're ready to go back inside. 


that doesn't change the fact that i /can't/ fall sleep right now. even if i wanted to.          ⋆  as disgruntled as he sounded, the boy made no move to leave. the serenity of nighttime, the gentle warmth of his father, just the two of them together.. he liked it this way.  ⋆


            yes,  well...  i /am/ older than you.  you're younger.  you need more sleep.   [   diluc said as...  more of a joke than anything  (  surprisingly  ).  he smiled to himself and held onto lucien a little better,  letting him stay close.  holding him just as he did when he was younger.   ]  