
I want to redo my Yoonmin book. I want to do this because, to me, I feel like it doesn't even make sense and I don't like how the plot is set. I'm sorry if you were expecting more updates or anything from it, but I feel like I'm just not getting it accomplished by this. Thank you for understanding 


I want to redo my Yoonmin book. I want to do this because, to me, I feel like it doesn't even make sense and I don't like how the plot is set. I'm sorry if you were expecting more updates or anything from it, but I feel like I'm just not getting it accomplished by this. Thank you for understanding 


when you look up at the night sky, just remember, we're all under the same stars. we're all under the same sky. we are all the same underneath our skin. don't worry about people judging you. we are all the same underneath. what we do ourselves is what makes us unique. keep being yourself. no one else can be perfect at being you. you're the only one that can define your own future. you can do this. you can get through whatever it is you need to overcome. you are truly amazing. you make many people happy and you have impacted so many lives. you are worth so much more than you may think. you are so much stronger than you get yourself credit for. you are loved. many people love you, and in case no one told you today, i love you. i'm proud of you. keep smiling. ❤☺️


@angelscure- This means so much to me! Thank you for sending me these messages 


☺ ♡ smile for me ♡ ☺️
          ⚜ they say the sun is the brightest in the universe, but just your smile can outshine it all. remember to smile. remember to laugh. you have caused so many people to smile and so many people to laugh. when you're going through hard times, think of happy memories. think about the last thing that made you smile, that made you happy. let yourself smile, let yourself be happy. it's okay to smile through your hardships. a happy mindset is better than a tangled one. remember that you are amazing. you mean so much to everyone. you impact so many lives. remember that you are wonderful and so beautiful. you have such an amazing personality babes that i don't need to see you to know that you're beautiful. your inside is beautiful, therefore your outside is stunning. remember that you are loved. so many people love you angel and although some people might not say or show it to you often, many people love you. many people are there for you. remember that you are worth it. you are good enough. you make people proud. i'm proud of you. i love you. ♡ ⚜
                             ☺️ ♡ smile for me ♡ ☺️


@angelscure- I don't know you, but I already love you 


awe, of course babes. ♡♡♡