Hey! Alright, I know I haven't updated in ages, honestly I planned on updating everyday. But it really is hard to get back in the zone, once I've had the break. I am not satisfied with whatever I write, and I don't want to spoil the story with useless chapters. To everyone who's reading Take my heart, I appreciate your patience. I hope I can find inspiration and return soon!
Dear author,
Will you write a new artkong story please. I have re-read your story so many times and I'm falling in love with your writing skills each time . Thank you so much for for the awesome story ❤️
P', wattpad is removing 'smut story' or account. They remove the account of P'Suazana. I don't know much about this so you ask about it to 'lizrry' or 'bamboo shoot'. And make sure that your account will be safe.
Hey! Alright, I know I haven't updated in ages, honestly I planned on updating everyday. But it really is hard to get back in the zone, once I've had the break. I am not satisfied with whatever I write, and I don't want to spoil the story with useless chapters. To everyone who's reading Take my heart, I appreciate your patience. I hope I can find inspiration and return soon!
Extending break due to unforeseen circumstances, will try to be back and update Take my heart asap. Sorry to keep you all waiting, and hope you understand
For those who have been following my story 'Take my heart', I might not update for sometime (till 13th September). I have a major exam coming up, and I won't have time or the energy to write. But if I am really motivated sometime in between, I might give an update. Till then, take care and stay safe :)
@Yourbabygurl_____ sorry for the late reply. I haven't read many books here, but I have a small reading list with top!Arthit fanfics. And let's see, if I get time to write more in future.