
Wow. It's been almost 3 years since I logged on here. I almost forgot this site even existed but I was reminiscing with a friend about high school and suddenly remembered. I felt really nostalgic when I read my old writing again. You know when you go back to writing after some time and feel as if there's a thousand things you could've done better? I think that's a sign that you've grown and changed as a writer, and that makes me really happy. I have been writing occasionally during my three year hiatus and just uploaded a new story called, "To be Loved by You" about unrequited love. Hope you all can check it out and let me know what you think!


Wow. It's been almost 3 years since I logged on here. I almost forgot this site even existed but I was reminiscing with a friend about high school and suddenly remembered. I felt really nostalgic when I read my old writing again. You know when you go back to writing after some time and feel as if there's a thousand things you could've done better? I think that's a sign that you've grown and changed as a writer, and that makes me really happy. I have been writing occasionally during my three year hiatus and just uploaded a new story called, "To be Loved by You" about unrequited love. Hope you all can check it out and let me know what you think!


I hope you and your family are okay. I understand why you have to discontinue One Of the Guys. It's one of my favorite books though. I hope I'm not being offensive to you or anything, but would anyone like to continue the book? With your permission of course. I would continue it but I suck at writing. I would completely ruin the book. So, would anyone like to continue it?


Huh?! What happened w her and her fam?!


Hello, my angel ♥ 
          What do you say if we read each other's book and give some supports by votes and comments? ♥ 
          Let me know which book of yours you'd like me to read and support! So I could put them in my 7 days scheduled reading list! Therefore I won't forget to read, comments and vote your book ♥ 
          I personally would like you to read and support my book The Bad Nerd Boy ♥ 
          Have a wonderful day! ♥ 


Hey everyone, I'm sorry for not replying to DMs and comments. The past few days have been rough, there was an accident so I've been unable to be on. I'm going to finish all my book club assignments and then take a break from Wattpad so I can take care of my siblings.  One of the Guys is being discontinued due to me having no inspiration/motivation to keep writing. I don't like the idea anymore but everyone's advice and suggestions have been so helpful in aiding me grow as a writer. Thank you.


@explorethisworld noooo please dont discontinue it that was one of the best books i have read!!!!


take as much time as you'd like, we'll be waiting. feel better soon love x 