
;;     headed to work so cb for something that i’ll drop once on break or after my shift!!!


// omg anything please !


          	  / hope you have a nice day < 3  here & @gravesco pretty pls .


;;     headed to work so cb for something that i’ll drop once on break or after my shift!!!


// omg anything please !


            / hope you have a nice day < 3  here & @gravesco pretty pls .


/ slap him i beg ..
          “ been awhile  ,  ain’t it ?  sure you and your boys have just been THRILLED to see me again .  ”


            / AND OOPS I MEANT THUMB .


            low bated breaths escaped him , heavily ignoring as blood started dripping down his face .  in a weird twisted way , graves liked pain .  thrived on getting people on their last nerve , and with price it was no different .  if anything , he wanted more .  he missed the thrill , missed the action .  hated how shepard often made him feel like some dog in a cage , he was ready to be free .  “ come on  ,  aren’t we supposed to be friendly ?  if you say sorry maybe i’ll let it slide for punching my face .  ” the other should be lucky he didn’t swing back , he knew better than to cause a fight he’d surely lose .  “ i have my ways .  i’ll have you know despite whatever you might think i’m not shepard’s lapdog .  i have my OWN ways of getting information .  ” he couldn’t help the slight growl that came out , like a dog on its leash .  ready to gnaw and nash at anything that got close by .  “ watch it .  i didn’t say WE were on a first name basis .  besides..  what you want me to say ?  PLEASE hit my face ?  oh please .  ” eyes rolled as he’d wipe some of the blood off with his thump , those same eyes never seeming to leave price’s harsh gaze .
            / EXACTLY .  that’s how it should be < 3  and i honestly wouldn’t mind ; also gives me an excuse to be more active on here anyways sjdjdj .


@gravesco ╱             eyes turned to his knuckles for a moment,  then his wrist that slightly curled into gentle soothing circles.    graves face certainly hurt.     it was worth it, he felt better at least, even slightly.     what would be better would be a bullet between graves eyes and price behind the gun.    a thought or an imagine that would certainly come up again when he was able to sneak a glass of whiskey late at night.    his frown deepened staring at graves even without moving.    graves was nothing more then a simple minded merc, a man who only wanted money.   blood money.     
            “ don’t call me john.   “   the name was not for those who were close to him,  who earned the right to use it.   it was even rarer to gain the ability to call him johnathan, not even laswell had that right.   to hear graves even call him john?   it grinded his gears even more, enough to almost make a face.   
            “  and how did you get this information?  “ price was quick to point a finger, almost immediately.    in this case, he was as bad as ghost was.   maybe calling an airstrike would have been the better idea?     kill two birds with one stone.      “  if you want me to hit harder, then ask,  philip.  “ venom seeped into his words, glaring at the american man with a certain hate and anger.  
            ;;    oooooo yes, i agree!   they kiss but still hate each others guts lmao.    you  are welcome.  i am not against the ship at all & willing to try it out between your graves & my price’ 


“ lighten up  ,  price .  i made it out alive dinnae i ?  ”


            a snort soon followed , soap hardly knew the captain’s age and even if he does know .  he’s not the one to judge despite being only twenty - seven , price could easily kick his ass any day regardless .  “ what’re you like in your thirties ?  forties ?  you make laswell look youthful .  ” he’d tease , knowing the other wouldn’t take it to hard .  soap never let his jokes go to far , but there were times were it did .  mainly around ghost most of the time .  “ ah  ,  you ought tae make a lad blush with those kind of words .  i appreciate your honesty though  ,  price .  sure my sisters would rip me a new one if anythin’ were tae happen tae me .  ”  he thought fondly of his two sisters , both just as wild and bold as he was .  suppose that was often common when it came to the mactavish household .  “ i know i know  ,  hate tae worry you anyhow .  i’m sure both you  ,  gaz  ,  and ghost would hate not havin’ me around .  hell..  i’d even argue laswell and whenever nikolai shows up .  ” it felt nice knowing how many people seemed to care about him , though more often than not he had his doubts but he tried not listening to them .  nagging thoughts shouldn’t be his main focus while in the military anyways . 


@taskdemo ╱    a hum would come from his throat,  he did trust the soldier after all.     at least it wouldn’t happen again for a bit or so the captain hoped and prayed for anyway.   a brow gently raised up to his words, disbelief running across his face.   a chuckle came from his throat, even a smile cracked.       
            “  i’m not old.   “ he muttered, a nickname he wasn’t getting away from anytime soon.   was thirty seven truly old?    he debated that fact over whiskey in his office too many times.     “  i will always worry about you and the rest of the task force.   i want all of you home and safe, not dead.   “  another dad - like lecture that he stopped himself from speaking on too much.   a road that would be a never ending one with him.      “   that’s what i am afraid of,   you doing something, too stupid, as you put it.    i am just trying to look out for you,  is all.  call me old what you want.   “ 
            price had been in this career long enough to know other captains weren’t as thoughtful.  a long time ago he decided to be different from that, to care about his task force.    the men that gave their lives for a better world.   that followed his orders without a second thought.   if any of them died,  well,  it would weigh on him for a long time.  


            reckless behavior was nothing knew to soap , ever since joining the task force he’s been doing nothing but those reckless behaviors .  but , for the most part he followed orders like a well - trained solider .  he knew better than to TRULY get underneath price’s skin , and deep down knew the gruffness was only out of protection .  out of worry for their fellow men .  “ aye  ,  captain .  i understand .  ” he nodded ; and he meant it , johnny wouldn’t let himself slip .  at least..  for a little while .  “ you’re such an old man..  worryin’ about me like that .  i maybe reckless but you know i wouldn’t do anythin’ TOO stupid .  ”