
denzel's chapter is up. hope yall enjoy and as always please comment.


writing denzel's part is soo tough, cause i realize that i made him older than everyone else and im struggling to figure out who i want him to connect with most in the book. like how tf am i gonna make him an actual character with some substance..but imma figure it out


@extravagantsss that's a definite struggle, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. Can't wait to read it!


im working on my new chapter for trinity and i feel that it's not my best work, but i hope i get good feedback. anyway my followers have grown a bit, since before i had like 96 or something. but to everyone following me: if you have books that you would like for me to read PLEASE dm me. i love reading but it's become a challenge finding actual good books on here now. so again, please dm me with books❤


@Wigglebuff i hope whatever you're working on gets finished. i would love to read it


Okay, can't wait to read it... Might have something for u to read if I stop procrastinating. 