
Hey guys! I am so excited to say that we have finally reached more than 400 reads on The Makeover! Thank you guys so much! You guys are the reason why I keep on writing, and that's what I love about my readers. Keep on being awesome, and if you can, please recommend this book to your friends or other readers on Wattpad. Keep being awesome and keep being yourself! Love you, Potter heads!


Hey guys! I am so excited to say that we have finally reached more than 400 reads on The Makeover! Thank you guys so much! You guys are the reason why I keep on writing, and that's what I love about my readers. Keep on being awesome, and if you can, please recommend this book to your friends or other readers on Wattpad. Keep being awesome and keep being yourself! Love you, Potter heads!


Hey! Thanks for adding my story! Also, LOVE YOUR BIO!!!


I am so jealous of your 295 followers!


Your welcome, RebelliousRedRose! Your stories are awesome and so intriguing! I also LOVE your username! It's just so unique!