This is erum ehsan here, from Kolkata India
21 yr old
Turning 22 on April 1st
Joined Wattpad in 2017, when I was 14.
Came back for a bit.
Again left.
Occasionally come back to read certain books and check if that one writer has returned back from an unintentional 7+ year hiatus.
I used to write a bit of stories here, and used to follow some stories, made some friends, am not sure, I lost all of them. Well that's a bad thing.
Eventually everyone grows out of their Wattpad phase, i should too, maybe i did, but abandoning it this way felt wrong, hurt, so am back again to take up responsibility.
So I don't think so I'll be writing here anymore, i just don't have the thing in me for Wattpad, but I am up for some good desi smut reccs, some yandere fics, or anything reverse harem.
If you have any recommendations , dms are open.
If you have any thing you want to reminisce with me about old days, dms are open.
If you wanna be freinds, dms are open.
Also if I don't reply here
Email: erumehsan029@gmail.com
Instagram: exumexsan
Wattpad grew up a very lonely nerdy weirdo.
Thankyou Wattpad for everything. You will forever be a big part of me.
Those days when I used to hurry back from school just to read Wattpad or stayed up late , reading the books and giggling at the comments.
You grew me in the urge to be a writer, i should not have let go of thought or should have held onto it well. I tried my best at writing, I am not good enough maybe, I won't ever be, there are so many people better, I have no better story to tell, I do not have the urge in me to tell a story anymore. Growing up really sucks. It drains you out.